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                                         Clinical Experiences of Trans-Trocar Appendix Removal in Laparoscopic Appendectomy
          OriginaL articLe

          Clinical Experiences of Trans-Trocar Appendix Removal in

          Laparoscopic Appendectomy

          Jung Min Bae

          ABSTRACT                                            appendicitis was treated in open surgery. But, after lapa­
          Purpose: Most of laparoscopic instruments are disposable and   roscopic appendectomy was performed firstly in 1983,
          not reusable. Therefore, laparoscopic surgery is more ineffec-  laparoscopic appendectomy is most popular method in
          tive according to environment conservation and recycling of   treatment of acute appendicitis.
          resources than open surgery.
              Trans-trocar appendix removal method was shown instead   There are many laparoscopic surgical instruments in
          of using disposable specimen vinyl bag. Advantages of trans-  laparoscopic appendectomy. Most of all in laparoscopic
          trocar removal are cost-effective and decrement of disposable   instruments are disposable and not reusable. Therefore,
          instrument. But, there has not been cited in the literature about
          clinical experiences and outcomes.Therefore, this study was   laparoscopic surgery is more ineffective surgery accor­
          conducted to analyze the clinical outcomes.         ding to environment conservation and recycling of
          Materials and methods : Uncomplicated appendicitis patients  resources than open surgery. So, many method and reus­
          were reviewed retrospectively in 2013. The enrolled patients  able laparoscopic instruments are developed to improve
          were divided as trans-trocar appendix removal group (TTAR)   environment conservation and recycling of resources. 2,3
          and disposable specimen vinyl bag group (DSVB). Clinical data
          and outcomes were analyzed and compared.               Among this effort, when resected appendix in laparo­
          Results: A total of 119 patients undergoing laparoscopic appen-   scopic appendectomy was removed, trans­trocar removal
          dectomy were enrolled. Fifty-nine patients belonged to TTAR  method was shown instead of using disposable specimen
          and 60 patients were DSVB. In the both groups, there were   vinyl bag.
          no significant differences in postoperative outcomes. Success
          rate of trans-trocar removal was 89.3%. According to body   Advantages of trans­trocar appendix removal method
          mass  index  (BMI),  success  rate  is  100%  below  20  kg/m ,  are cost­effective and decrement of disposable instrument
          87.8% in patients between 20 kg/m  and 25 kg/m  and 61%   because specimen vinyl bag is not needed in appendix
          above 25 kg/m .                                     removal.
          Conclusion: Although, it is difficult to generalize the results,   But, although trans­trocar appendix removal method
          it is thought that trans-trocar appendix removal is alternative
          and feasible on basis of our study. But in BMI > 25 kg/m , it is   was introduced 10 years ago, there has not been cited in
          thought to be technically careful to perform trans-trocar appen -  the literature about clinical experiences and outcomes.
          dix removal. It is also necessary to make comparison the   Therefore, this study was conducted to compare the
          efficacy of appendix removal methods through prospective
          randomized clinical study to establish the better method for   clinical outcomes between trans­trocar appendix removal
          laparoscopic appendectomy.                          group (TTAR) and disposable specimen vinyl bag group
          Keywords: Appendectomy, Laparoscopy, Specimen removal.  (DSVB) and to identify the better way to removal of
          How to cite this article: Bae JM. Clinical Experiences of Trans-  resected appendix in laparoscopic appendectomy.
          Trocar Appendix Removal in Laparoscopic Appendectomy.
          World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):107-110.                 MATERiALS And METhodS
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              The subjects were the patients in this hospital who diag­
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              nosed acute appendicitis between January 2013 and
                                                              December 2013. Complicated appendicitis patients that
                                                              diagnosed as perforated appendicitis or periappendiceal
          Acute appendicitis is one of the most frequent emer­  abscess by preoperative abdominal computed tomo­
          gency operations in general surgery. Traditionally, acute    graphy, abdominal ultrasonography or intraoperatively
                                                              operative findings were excluded.
                                                                 Retrospective analysis was carried out based on the
            Professsor                                        records made after surgery regarding clinical characte­
            Department of General Surgery, Yeungnam University Medical   ristics such as operative time, hospital stay, complications,
            Center, Korea                                     readmission and additional analgesics.
            Corresponding Author: Jung Min Bae, Professor, Department   SPSS 12.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA) used for statis-
            of General Surgery, Yeungnam University Medical Center   tical analysis. Student t­test for average analysis and
            Korea, Phone: 82536203580, e-mail:
                                                              Fisher’s exact test for cross tabulation analysis was used.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):107-110                      107
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