Page 30 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 30

Prachi Arora et al
          Preparation                                            In group II (Infertility) 12 (80%) out of 15 had shown
                                                              abnormal hysteroscopic finding as shown in Table 3. The
          All patients were admitted in the hospital prior to the
          procedure. Patients were kept nil orally since morning   commonest finding observed on hysteroscopy was blocked
          on the day of hysteroscopy. The patients were divided   tubal ostia in 10 (66.6%) patients. In these cases, distending
          into 2 groups:                                      media was not seen passing through the ostia. In 9 out of
                                                              these 10 patients diagnostic laparoscopy was carried out,
          Group  a: Patients were given injection pethidine     the tubes were confirmed to be blocked in 7 (77.7%).
          50 mg IV and injection phenargan 25 mg IM.
                                                                 In group III (Postmenopausal bleeding) 4 patients
          Group  b:  general anesthesia—This group  included   (80%) out of 5 showed abnormal hysteroscopic findings.
          patients who were very uncooperative or those who   Atrophic endometrium was seen in 3 (37.5%) patients
          needed concomitant surgery.                         and endometrial polyp was seen in 1 (12.5%) patients. In
             All hysteroscopy examinations were carried out in
          operation theater with 4 mm olympus telescope with   Table 1: Indications for hysteroscopy and abnormal findings in
          full aseptic precautions Saline was used as distending                different groups
          medium. The anesthetist was available in the theater   Groups Indications   No. of patients  Abnormal findings
          to provide general anesthesia if required.  once the   I   Dysfunctional   28 (40.50%)  24/28 (85.71%)
          hysteroscope was introduced, inspection of cervical        uterine bleeding
          canal and uterine cavity was done. Uterine fundus, each   II  Infertility   15 (21.70%)  12/15 (80%)
          tubal ostium and the remaining cavity were inspected.   III  Postmenopausal   08 (11.60%)  04/08 (50%)
                                                                     bleeding (PMB)
          Video camera was used for diagnostic purpose. In the end   IV  Suspected    08 (11.60%)  05/08 (62.5%)
          hysteroscope was removed under vision. A curettage was     leiomyoma
          done and specimen sent for histopathology.          V      Lost IUCD with    05 (07.30%)  03/05 (60%)
                                                                     irregular bleeding
          oBSERVATion                                         Vl     Secondary      05 (07.30%)  03/05 (60%)
          The age of patients varied from 21 to 70 years, maximum    Total patients    69
          patients, i.e. 26 (37.7%) were 31 to 40 years and 25 patients
          (36.3%) were in 21 to 30 age group. Out of 69 patients 18   Table 2: Various hysteroscopic findings in group l (DUB) (n = 28)
          patients (26.15%) were nullipara. The highest parity noted   Sl. no. observations  No. of cases Percentage
          was para 6 (1.4%) in one case only. Nine patient (13.05%)   I  Abnormal findings   24      85.7
          were para 1, 12 patient (17.4%) were para 2, 12 patient   Hyperplastic endometrium  8      28.5
          (17.4%) were para 3, 12 (17.4%) were para 4 and 5 patient   Endometrial polyp   5          17.8
          (7.2%) were para 5.                                       Proliferative endometrium  8     28.5
             Minimum time taken for procedure was 15 minutes,       Endocervical polyp    1          3.6
          including the time needed for cleaning and draping the    Submucous fibromyoma   1         3.6
          parts. Maximum time taken was 30 minutes, these were      (Fig. 1)
          the patients, where other concomitant surgical procedure   II  Atrophic endometrium  1     3.6
                                                                    Normal finding
          had to be carried out along with the hysteroscopy.
             Sixty patients where hysteroscopy was carried under   Table 3: Various hysteroscopy findings in group ll (infertility)
          pethidine + phenargan, were observed in the hospital for                 (n = 15)
          4 hours. Those where general anesthesia was given were   Sl. no. observations    No. of cases Percentage
          kept in the hospital for a duration of 24 hours. Patients were   A  Hysteroscopic observation
          called to attend the oPD after an interval which depen ded      (i)   Abnormal findings  12  80
          upon case to case and further treatment planned.               Tubercular endometritis  1   6.7
             Various indications for hysteroscopy are shown in           Leiomyoma uterus  1          6.7
          Table 1. The common indication was DUB (40.50%), other         Blocked tubal ostia  10      66.7
          indications for hysteroscopy were infertility (21.70%),   (ii)   Normal findings  3         20
          Postmenopausal bleeding (11.60%), suspected leiomyoma   B  Histopath observation
          (11.60%), Lost IUCD with irregular bleeding (07.30%) and   –  Proliferative endometrium  1  6.7
          secondary amenorrhea (07.30%).                            –  Secretory endometrium  14      93.3
             In group 1 (DUB) 24 patient (85.71%) out of 28 had   C  Diagnostic laparoscopy
          abnormal hysteroscopic finding (Table 1). Various patho-  observation            7          77.7
          logical hysteroscopic findings observed in 28 patients is   –  Blocked tubes
          shown below (Table 2).                                    –  Patent tubes        2          22.3
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35