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                                    A Review of Comparing Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y vs Minigastric bypass for the Morbid Obesity
          RevieW ARticLe

          A Review of Comparing Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y vs

          Minigastric bypass for the Morbid Obesity


          1 Abid Ali Karatparambil,  C Sidhic
          ABSTRACT                                            updated the evidence and the conclusions of the NIH
          Obesity is a major problem in whole over the world especially   panel. They concluded that  gastric bypass is considered
          in urban countries. Surgical treatment for morbid obesity is  as one of the operation for morbid obesity; laparoscopy
          now considered as a well accepted one compared to medical   is equally effective as open surgery. With advances in
          treatment. Now the commonly performed surgeries are Roux-
          en-Y gastric bypass and minigastric bypass. A literature review   minimally invasive technology, laparoscopic Roux-en-
          was performed using Springer link, BMJ, Journal of MAS and  Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) has been reported as a safe
          major general search engine like Google, MSN, and Yahoo,  alter native to open RYGBP.  However its associated with
          etc. The following search terms were used: laparoscopic treat-  steep learning curve, longer operation time and more
          ment of morbid obesity; laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass               5,6
          (LRYGBP) and minigastric bypass for morbid obesity. Reviews   perioperative complications.  Laparoscopic minigastric
          and meta-analysis, editorial letters or comments, case reports,  bypass (LMGBP), first reported by Rutledge from USA in
          animal or in vitro studies, comparisons with medical treatment,   1997, was proposed as a simple and effective treatment of
          comparisons with open (nonlaparoscopic) procedures were     morbid obesity.  However, controversies about the rela-
          excluded. All the studies showed that both procedures are
          equally good solving obesity related metabolic problems.  tive safety of this procedure remain, mainly the incidence
          But regarding the technique, simplicity and safety minigastric   of marginal ulcer and reflux esophagitis. 8
          bypass is superior to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. We believe
          that patients should be informed in detail on the advantages   AIM
          and disadvantages of each available procedure, possibly in
          several interviews and always accompanied by a specialized  The aim of the study was to compare the safety and
          interdisciplinary team, warranting long-term follow-up.  effec tiveness of LRYGBP and LMGBP in the treatment
          Keywords: Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Minigas   of morbid obesity. The following parameters were used
          -tric bypass, Morbid obesity, Metabolic syndrom.
                                                              for both the procedures:
          How to cite this article: Karatparambil AA, Sidhic C. A Review   •  Time taken
          of Comparing Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y vs Minigastric bypass
          for the Morbid Obesity. World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):125-128.  •  Conversion rate
                                                              •  Blood transfusion
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              •  Mortality and morbidity
          Conflict of interest: None                          •  Postoperative complications (anastamotic leak, ileus,

                                                                 GI bleeding, reoperation)
                                                              •  Postoperative recovery
          Both in developed and developing countries, obesity is  •  BMI
          considered as an endemic problem. Medical treatment of  •  Excess weight loss
          obesity is greatly disappointing. Surgery is considered  •  Normalization of metabolic syndromes
          as the most effective treatment for morbid obesity as per  •  Quality of life assessment.
          the National Institute of Health Consensus Conference
          in 1991.  From there, major development has occurred   MATERIALS And METHOdS
          in the bariatric surgery field including laparoscopy.  A literature review was performed using Springer link,
          In 2004, a consensus conference was sponsored by the  BMJ, Journal of MAS and major general search engine like
          American Society for Bariatric Surgery (ASBS), which  Google, MSN and Yahoo, etc. The following search terms
                                                              were used: laparoscopic treatment of morbid obesity;
                                                              laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and minigastric
            1 Surgeon,  Associate Professor                   bypass for morbid obesity. Sixty-one thousand and three
            1,2 Department of General Surgery,  MeS Medical College    hundred citations found in total selected papers were
            Malappuram, Kerala, India                         screened for further references. Criteria for selection of
            Corresponding Author:  Abid Ali Karatparambil, Surgeon    literature were the number of cases (excluded if it is less
            Department of General Surgery, MeS Medical College, Perin-  than 20), method of analysis (statistical or nonstatistical),
            talmanna, Malappuram,  Kerala, India, Phone: 04933258300    operative procedure (only universally accepted proce-
                                                              dures were selected). And the institution were the study
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):125-128                      125
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