Page 32 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Prachi Arora et al
was found on hysteroscopy, the diagnosis of blocked hysteroscopy. Khandwala has studied 7 patients. He
ostia by hysteroscopy was further evaluated by diagnostic described synechia in 4 patients and normal uterine
laparoscopy with chromopertubation in 9 patients. In 7 cavity in three patients.
patients, the hysteroscopic findings were confirmed by The procedure failure rate in the present study was
diagnostic laparoscopy. But in 2 patients (22.22%), diag 7.25%. Hilgarth and Khandwala have reported low
nostic laparoscopy with chromopertubation revealed patent failure as 1.9 and 3.1% respectively. Patil et al and
tubes, where ostia were seen to be blocked on hysteroscopy. Pellicano M et al used normal saline as distending
In can be concluded, that diagnostic laparoscopy with media in their study and observed that it is better tole-
chromopertubation is probably the best way at present to rated by patients. We also used isotonic saline as disten-
find out the tubal patency, but the lumen of the fallopian ding media, which provides good visualization and
tube can only be delineated by hysterogram. Hystero- better tolerated by patients.
scopy is the method to detect intrauterine cause of infer-
tility. Therefore the above 3 tests are complementary to REfEREnCES
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