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           Scoliosis as a Rare Risk Factor for Colon Perforation during Colonoscopy: The Second Reported Case and Literature Review
          caSe repOrt

          Scoliosis as a Rare Risk Factor for Colon Perforation

          during Colonoscopy: The Second Reported Case and
          Literature Review

          1 Sameer AlOsaimi,  Shehab Ekrouf,  Ahmed AlMulla
          ABSTRACT                                            However, this invasive procedure is performed with
          Background: Colonoscopy has been accepted as the best   some risk of hemorrhage, perforation and even death. 1,2
          method for the screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up     Colonoscopic perforation (CP) has become one of the
          of  colorectal  pathologies.  It  is  an  invasive  procedure  with   most fearsome complications of routine or therapeutic
          many recognized complications such as iatrogenic colonic
          perforation (CP). Knowledge of the factors influencing (CP) is   gastrointestinal endoscopy. The incidence of iatrogenic
          of decisive importance, especially with regard to the avoidance  perforation is reported to range between 0.01 and 0.8%
          or minimization of the perforations. This is the second case  for diagnostic and routine colonoscopy, and from 0.15 to
          in the literature with such unreported and rare risk factor for   3% for therapeutic colonoscopy, 1,3-6  with rectosigmoid as
          iatrogenic colonoscopic perforation.                                                       7-11
          Case  summary:  We  reported  a  66-year-old female,  not   the most common site of colonic perforation.
          known to have any medical problems, underwent colonoscopy      Major complications such as perforation and hemorr-
          screening. No abnormalities detected up to the rectosigmoid  hage occur 2.4 times more often in the right than in the left
          junction when the gastroenterologist noted sudden and    colon during therapeutic endoscopy.  Knowing risk fac-
          massive  abdominal  distension,  the  patient  started  com -
          plaining of severe generalized abdominal pain, however, she   tors, recognizing early signs of perforations, and giving
          was  hemodynamically  stable.  The  procedure  abandoned.   early and optimal treatment may reduce the probability
          Abdominal X-ray showed severe scoliotic deformity of the  of complications and death.
          lumber spine with massive pneumoperitoneum. Diagnostic      We are describing an iatrogenic CP where the mecha-
          laparoscopy showed a small perforation at the anterior wall of
          sigmoid colon which was repaired, no fecal soiling of the peri-  nism of CP is related to patient’s skeletal deformity that
          toneal cavity was found as she was prepared for colonoscopy.  precipitated the injury, the CP managed surgically. The
          Her course was unremarkable, and she was discharged 7 days   first case with such injury was described in 2010,  and
          later. A 2-week follow-up showed her to be asymptomatic with               14
          healed laparoscopic surgery scars and normal bowel motion.  still in publishing process.  This is the second case in
          Conclusion: Patients with skeletal deformity such as scoli o-  the literature with such unreported and rare risk factor
          sis undergoing colonoscopy have a higher risk of iatrogenic  for iatrogenic colonoscopic perforation.
          colonoscopic perforation. Symptoms of abdominal pain and
          distension during colonoscopy in this group of patients should  CASE REPORT
          alert the treating doctor for the possibility of colon injury which
          should be managed accordingly.                      We reported a 66-year-old female, not known to have any
          Keywords: Colon perforation, Iatrogenic perforation, Scoliosis,  medical problems, underwent colonoscopy screening. No
          Skeletal deformity, Colonoscopy.                    abnormalities detected up to the rectosigmoid junction
          How to cite this article: AlOsaimi S, Ekrouf S, AlMulla A.  when the gastroenterologist noted sudden and massive
          Scoliosis as a Rare Risk Factor for Colon Perforation during   abdominal distension, the patient started complaining
          Colonoscopy:  The  Second  Reported  Case  and  Literature
          Review. World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):133-135.         of severe generalized abdominal pain, however, she
          Source of support: Nil                              was hemodynamically stable. The procedure was aban-
                                                              doned and was taken immediately to resuscitation room,
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              abdo minal examination showed peritonitis. Chest X-ray
          inTROduCTiOn                                        revealed air under the diaphragm (Fig. 1). Abdominal
                                                              X-ray showed severe scoliotic deformity of the lumber spine
          Colonoscopy is a common procedure for the diagno-
          sis, treatment and follow-up of colorectal pathologies.    with massive pneumoperitoneum (Fig. 2). Diagnostic
                                                              laparoscopy showed a small perforation of 1.0 cm at the
                                                              anterior wall of sigmoid colon which was repaired lapa-
                                                              roscopically, no fecal soiling of the peritoneal cavity was
            1 Department of Surgery, Al-Sabah Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait
                                                              found as she was prepared for colonoscopy. She was
            2,3 Department of Surgery, Al-Amiri Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait  covered with anti biotics postoperatively. Her course was un-
            Corresponding Author:  Sameer AlOsaimi,  Department   remarkable, and she was discharged 7 days later. A 2-weeks
            of Surgery, Al-Sabah Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait, Phone:   follow-up showed her to be asymptomatic with healed
            0096599302600, e-mail:
                                                              laparoscopic surgery scars and normal bowel motion.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):133-135                      133
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