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                     Difference between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by the Placement of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access
          recruit neutrophils and monocytes to the inflammatory  samples. Although studies using ILs demonstrate that
          site. 12,23  A study published by Kato et al (1997) showed a  more time could provide more consistent results, the pre­
          significant increase of IL-8 from baseline to 4 hours after  sent study allowed as much time as some other studies.
          the procedure in the plasma of patients who underwent  The present study aimed to achieve a short­term analysis,
          upper­abdominal surgery. 22,24  In contrast, Torres et al  excluding the risk of infections or other traumas. In this

          (2008) did not observe increased IL­8 at any time up to  regard, the transportation of the animals from the farm
          48 hours after laparoscopic cholecystectomy with ‘standard  to the lab was a variable that could not be controlled due
          and low’ pneumoperitoneum pressure. 23              to legal impediments.
             IL­10 is also used to measure the inflammatory      Like other studies that used rats, dogs or pigs,

          response to surgical trauma. A study by Dimopoulou et al  the present study was conducted in a porcine animal
          (2007) that correlated IL­10 with infectious complications  model. 1,16,26  Greco et al compared SA and CL in humans,
          showed that IL­6, IL­8 and IL­10 increased proportionally  but a nephrectomy was performed in these patients,
          with the surgery time (2, 4, 6 and 8 hours).  In a study  which might have influence the analysis of ILs because
          that measured IL­6, IL­8 and IL­10 to analyze the sur gical  that surgery involves different aspects of dissection and
          stress response to laparoscopic and open techniques,  surgical trauma. 14
          no change in the levels of these cytokines after 4, 24 or      The present study showed that there was no diffe­
          48 hours was observed.  An analysis of laparoscopic sur­  rence between SA surgery and CL surgery in terms of
          gery using standard­or low­pressure pneumoperitoneum  inflammatory stress in the absence of induced pneumo-
          did not show changes in the levels of IL­8 and IL­10.    peritoneum. To our knowledge, this is the first study
             Tumor neorosis factor­alpha has an important proin­  using access ports exclusively, without pneumoperito­
          flammatory action. This cytokine initiates the production  neum. SA imposes more technical difficulty on the sur­
          of adhesion molecules that lead to the activation and  geon and a consequent risk to patients. Therefore, CL
          proliferation of neutrophils.  Matsumoto et al found high  surgery remains the most appropriate. However, it is
          plasma TNF­a 1 hour after surgery, reaching a peak at  still unclear whether the ILs were increased with both
          4 hours and decreasing after 48 hours.  Wang et al did  techniques because the two types of access cause a minor
          not observe significant changes in the level of TNF-a  inflammatory reaction, and it is also not certain whether
          when comparing laparoscopic pyeloplasty with open  there are other, more accurate ways to assess the degree
          pyeloplasty in children.  In the present study, TNF­a  of surgical trauma. Future studies should be performed
          was significantly higher at T0 than at T3 when the 20  to validate our findings.
          pigs were analyzed together. We think this increase was     During the first 4 hours after the opening of access
          related to the transportation of the animals.       points, there was no significant difference between the
             C­reactive protein is often used as a marker of surgi­  inflammatory response triggered by the SA technique
          cal trauma because it has a predictable response to acute  and the CL technique, without pneumoperitoneum, as
          tissue damage. Its action is related to the activation of the  assessed by the levels of IL­4, IL­6, IL­8, IL­10, TNF­a
          complement cascade and the stimulation of phagocytes  and CRP.
          by neutrophils and macrophages. C­reactive protein
          increases by 4 hours after surgery and peaks at 24 hours.   RefeRenCeS
          C­reactive protein is lower in response to laparoscopic
          surgeries compared to open surgeries.                 1.  Matsumoto ED, Margulis V, Tunc L, et al. Cytokine response
                                                                  to surgical stress: comparison of pure laparoscopic, hand­
             Some authors analyze peritoneal and plasma interleu­  assisted laparoscopic, and open nephrectomy. J Endourol
          kins to evaluate the traumatic effects of surgery.  In the   2005;19(9):1140­1145.
          present study, we chose to analyze only blood samples     2.  Araujo Filho I, Honorato Sobrinho AA, Rego AC, et al.
          because we did not want to perform any manipulation     Influence of laparoscopy and laparotomy on gasometry,
                                                                  leukocytes, and cytokines in a rat abdominal sepsis model.
          inside the abdominal cavity. Because we chose not to use   Acta Cir Bras 2006;21(2):74­79.
          pneumoperitoneum, we only placed the access points and     3.  Hanly EJ, Aurora AA, Shih SP, et al. Peritoneal acidosis
          did not perform any further trauma.                     mediates immunoprotection in laparoscopic surgery. Surg
              The strengths of the present study include the fact that   2007;142(3):357­364.
          it is, to our knowledge, the only one that has compared the     4.  Tung PH, Smith CD. Laparoscopic insufflation with room
          SA and CL techniques without handling structures inside   air causes exaggerated interleukin­6 response. Surg Endosc
          the peritoneal cavity. It is also the only study compa­  1999;13(5):473­475.
                                                                5.  West MA, Baker J, Bellingham J. Kinetics of decreased LPS­
          ring SA and CL without using pneumoperitoneum. The      stimulated cytokine release by macrophages exposed to CO .
          main limitation is that we had only 4 hours to collect the    J Surg Res 1996;63(1):269­274.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):1-6                                  5
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