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                                    Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Patients with Acute or Chronic Nonspecific Abdominal Pain
          OriginaL articLe

          Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Patients with Acute or

          Chronic Nonspecific Abdominal Pain

          1 A Rubbia,  GA Faryal,  I Javeria,  M Roohul
          ABSTRACT                                            inTRoDuCTion
          Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate and establish the   In surgical practice, we frequently come across patients
          role of diagnostic laparoscopy (DL) in unexplained/nonspecific
          abdominal pain (NSAP) in this era of therapeutic laparoscopy,   with lower abdominal pain who despite frequent rou-
          and thus to analyze and support the theory of minimal access  tine examination and all major investigations remain
          surgery in diagnosing and treating abdominal conditions.  undiagnosed. Many undergo appendectomy, some are
          Materials and methods: In this prospective study included  put on antitubercular therapy (especially in our country)
          patients with abdominal pain of (i) more than 6 hours and less  while females mostly end up taking anti-androgens. A
          than 6 days duration (acute) and (ii) more than or equal to    vast majority are labeled functional. In short, patients
          6 months duration (chronic) were included whether presen­
          ting as a surgical emergency or coming to surgical outpatient   with nonspecific abdominal pain (NSAP) continue be a
          department (OPD) in whom a DL was performed after failure  frustrating experience for the patient and pose a chall-
          to achieve a diagnosis with conventional methods. The study   enge to the diagnostic capability of the general surgeon.
          included a total of 168 consecutive patients who fulfilled our
          inclusion criteria and underwent DL for NSAP. Their demo­     The traditional three step approach to abdominal pain
          graphic and clinical data, admission dates and dates of sur­  of nonspecific nature including: (i) history and clinical
          gery were noted. Outcome of surgery was recorded and the  examination  including  gynecological  examination,
          data were analyzed to ascertain the role and diagnostic yield   (ii) investigations and (iii) therapeutic intervention is tedi-
          of laparoscopy in our department, both in acute and chronic
          abdominal pain of nonspecific nature. Patients were followed   ous and lengthy. Patients are hospitalized, subjected to a
          postoperative for 3 months for any recurrence of symptoms.  battery of costly investigations and often end-up undergo-
          Results:  Laparoscopy yielded diagnoses in 161 of these     ing a laparotomy which may prove unnecessary with no
          patients giving a diagnostic yield of 95.8%. Appendicitis  therapeutic benefit.  The end result is an unsatisfactory
          (39.2%), gynecological pathology (16%) and abdominal tuber­  discharge from the hospital after a prolonged stay often
          culosis (8.9%) were the major findings. Therapeutic procedures                     3
          were  performed  in  112  cases  (66.6%)  where  peroperative    without a precise clinical diagnosis.
          pathology was identified. In 38 cases (22.6%) where there was     Laparoscopy for diagnostic purposes was introduced
          strong clinical suspicion of appendicitis and no pathology could  for the 1st time by Kelling in 1902 and since then has
          be identified peroperative, an appendectomy was performed.   come a long way. Diagnostic laparoscopy (DL) is a mini-
          Twenty­eight (73.6%) of these appendix specimens were found
          inflamed on subsequent histologic examination. There were no   mally invasive surgical procedure that allows the visual
          complications in this series.                       examination and documentation of intra-abdominal
          Conclusion: This study establishes the role of early DL as   organs in order to detect any pathology. Elective DL refers
          a safe procedure with high efficacy. Hence, it is an effective  to the use of the procedure in chronic intra-abdominal
          investigative tool in undiagnosed abdominal pain of both acute   disorders. Emergency DL is performed in patients pre-
          and chronic nature.
                                                              senting with acute abdomen.
          Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Diagnostic laparoscopy, gyne­      With increasing the use of laparoscopy, the diagnostic
          cological pathology.
                                                              yield in cases of NSAP has tremendously improved, it
          How to cite this article:  Rubbia A, Faryal  gA, Javeria I,
          Roohul M. Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Patients with   allows direct visualization of the peritoneal cavity with-
          Acute or Chronic Nonspecific Abdominal Pain. World J Lap  out the need for old fashioned open exploratory laparo-
          Surg 2015;8(1):7­12.                                tomy. It is especially useful in patients with equivocal
          Source of support: Nil                              signs and those who are hemodynamically stable not
          Conflict of interest: None                          requiring urgent surgical intervention. 4
                                                                 The rapidly increasing popularity of laparoscopy
                                                              may be attributed to several factors; including its appli-
            1­4 Department  of  Surgery,  Khyber  Teaching  Hospital    cability in both emergency and elective setups, high
            Peshawar, Pakistan                                diagnostic yield, therapeutic management in the same

            Corresponding Author: gA Faryal, Department of Surgery   setting (in cases where on-table diagnosis is possible),
            Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan, e-mail: faryal.  ability to manage most coexisting conditions, low
                                                              patient morbidity, reduced hospital stay and expenditure.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):7-12                                 7
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