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                     Difference between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by the Placement of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access
          OriginaL articLe

          Difference between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by

          the Placement of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access
          and a Single Access (Single Port) in Pigs

          1 Ricardo Jordão Duarte,  Rodolfo Anísio Santana Torres Bandeira,  Angelo Vattimo,  Sabrina Thalita dos Reis
          5 Kátia Ramos Moreira Leite,  Lilian Maria Cristofani,  Miguel Srougi
          ABSTRACT                                            InTRoDuCTIon
          Single access (SA) has been developed to replace conventional   Advances in minimally invasive surgery, such as lapa­
          laparoscopy (CL) in order to reduce trauma. However, it is a
          controversial issue.                                roscopy, have brought undoubted benefits to patients
                                                              because they are less traumatic to the tissues. Recently,
          Objectives: To compare the acute inflammatory responses of
          CL and SA, considering only the trauma caused by the place-  a technique was introduced that accesses the peritoneal
          ment of the access port, at first time without pneumoperitoneum  cavity using a single access (SA) (‘single port’ or laparos­
          or other surgical manipulation. The variations of serum interleu-  copic and endoscopic single site, LESS). It is different
          kin (IL)-4, -6, -8 and -10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)
          and C-reactive protein (CRP) were evaluated.        from conventional laparoscopy (CL), which regularly
                                                              uses three or more access points. This new method aims
          Materials and methods: Twenty pigs were randomly divided
          into two groups: a SA group and a CL group. In the SA group,   to further reduce the morbidity of surgical procedures.
          the procedure began with a 2.5 cm skin incision, aponeurosis  However, the real benefits of SA in terms of tissue damage
          and peritoneum, and then the single-access device (Gelport )   are controversial.  Furthermore, the procedures that use
          was placed without pneumoperitoneum. In the CL group, the
          incision was performed on the skin, aponeurosis and perito-  SA, such as nephrectomy and pyeloplasty, are technically
          neum, and the four trocars were placed only with the traction of  more difficult to perform. Therefore, in patients under­
          the abdominal wall. Once the access points were placed, blood  going CL procedures, the inflammatory effects need to
          samples were collected to measure the cytokines and CRP at:   be evaluated more carefully and compared with SA to
          time zero (T0), immediately after anesthesia (including intuba-
          tion); T1, immediately after the access point(s) was placed; T2,   evaluate the benefits of this new technique.
          120 minutes after the access point(s) was placed; and T3, 240     The degree of tissue damage caused by both open and
          minutes after the access point(s) was placed.       laparoscopic surgery can be measured by the immune
          Results: The concentrations of IL-4 and TNF-α decreased  humoral  response  mediated  by  cytokines. 1­4   These
          between T0 and T3. IL-10 and CRP also decreased, but not   include interleukins (ILs), interferons, colony­stimulating
          significantly. IL-6 and IL-8 increased, but not significantly.
                                                              factors, tumor necrosis factor­alpha (TNF­a) and growth
          Conclusion: During the study, there was no significant diffe-
          rence between the inflammatory response triggered exclusively   factors. The level of C­reactive protein (CRP) is also used
          by placing the SA and CL without pneumoperitoneum.  as a marker of tissue damage. Interleukins are a large
          Keywords: Interleukin, Laparoscopy, Pig, Single port, Trauma.  group of cytokines produced by T lymphocytes and some
                                                              phagocytes and tissue cells. They have many functions,
          How to cite this article: Duarte RJ, Bandeira RAST, Vattimo
          A, dos Reis ST, Leite KRM, Cristofani LM, Srougi M. Difference  especially the induction of proliferation and differentia­
          between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by the Placement  tion of other cells that express specific IL receptors.
          of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access and a Single Access   Tumor necrosis factor­alpha activates macrophages and
          (Single Port) in Pigs. World J Lap Surg 2015;8(1):1-6.
                                                              granulocytes, increases the adhesion of leukocytes to the
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              endothelium and induces the synthesis of acute­phase
          Conflict of interest: None                          proteins.  C­reactive protein is involved in the stress
                                                              response to surgery, stimulating the phagocytosis by
                                                              neutrophils and tissue macrophages. 9
            1 Chairman and Head,  2,3,6 Researcher,  Biologist
            5 Pathologist,  Professor
            1-7 Department of Urology, São Paulo University; Vicky Safra
            Surgery, Teaching and Research Center, São Paulo, Brazil  The present study aimed to compare the acute inflamma­
            Corresponding Author: Ricardo Jordão Duarte, Department   tory responses of CL and SA, considering only the trauma
            of  Urology,  Rua Afonso  Bras  525,  Conj 82, CEP: 04511-  caused by the placement of the access point, by measuring
            011  São  Paulo,  Brazil,  Phone:  55-11-3842  62  68,  e-mail:   the serum levels of IL­4, IL­6, IL­8, IL­10, TNF­a and CRP
                                                              in surgeries performed in an animal model (pig).
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):1-6                                  1
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