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Difference between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by the Placement of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access
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Difference between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by
the Placement of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access
and a Single Access (Single Port) in Pigs
1 Ricardo Jordão Duarte, Rodolfo Anísio Santana Torres Bandeira, Angelo Vattimo, Sabrina Thalita dos Reis
5 Kátia Ramos Moreira Leite, Lilian Maria Cristofani, Miguel Srougi
Single access (SA) has been developed to replace conventional Advances in minimally invasive surgery, such as lapa
laparoscopy (CL) in order to reduce trauma. However, it is a
controversial issue. roscopy, have brought undoubted benefits to patients
because they are less traumatic to the tissues. Recently,
Objectives: To compare the acute inflammatory responses of
CL and SA, considering only the trauma caused by the place- a technique was introduced that accesses the peritoneal
ment of the access port, at first time without pneumoperitoneum cavity using a single access (SA) (‘single port’ or laparos
or other surgical manipulation. The variations of serum interleu- copic and endoscopic single site, LESS). It is different
kin (IL)-4, -6, -8 and -10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)
and C-reactive protein (CRP) were evaluated. from conventional laparoscopy (CL), which regularly
uses three or more access points. This new method aims
Materials and methods: Twenty pigs were randomly divided
into two groups: a SA group and a CL group. In the SA group, to further reduce the morbidity of surgical procedures.
the procedure began with a 2.5 cm skin incision, aponeurosis However, the real benefits of SA in terms of tissue damage
and peritoneum, and then the single-access device (Gelport ) are controversial. Furthermore, the procedures that use
was placed without pneumoperitoneum. In the CL group, the
incision was performed on the skin, aponeurosis and perito- SA, such as nephrectomy and pyeloplasty, are technically
neum, and the four trocars were placed only with the traction of more difficult to perform. Therefore, in patients under
the abdominal wall. Once the access points were placed, blood going CL procedures, the inflammatory effects need to
samples were collected to measure the cytokines and CRP at: be evaluated more carefully and compared with SA to
time zero (T0), immediately after anesthesia (including intuba-
tion); T1, immediately after the access point(s) was placed; T2, evaluate the benefits of this new technique.
120 minutes after the access point(s) was placed; and T3, 240 The degree of tissue damage caused by both open and
minutes after the access point(s) was placed. laparoscopic surgery can be measured by the immune
Results: The concentrations of IL-4 and TNF-α decreased humoral response mediated by cytokines. 14 These
between T0 and T3. IL-10 and CRP also decreased, but not include interleukins (ILs), interferons, colonystimulating
significantly. IL-6 and IL-8 increased, but not significantly.
factors, tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNFa) and growth
Conclusion: During the study, there was no significant diffe-
rence between the inflammatory response triggered exclusively factors. The level of Creactive protein (CRP) is also used
by placing the SA and CL without pneumoperitoneum. as a marker of tissue damage. Interleukins are a large
Keywords: Interleukin, Laparoscopy, Pig, Single port, Trauma. group of cytokines produced by T lymphocytes and some
phagocytes and tissue cells. They have many functions,
How to cite this article: Duarte RJ, Bandeira RAST, Vattimo
A, dos Reis ST, Leite KRM, Cristofani LM, Srougi M. Difference especially the induction of proliferation and differentia
between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by the Placement tion of other cells that express specific IL receptors.
of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access and a Single Access Tumor necrosis factoralpha activates macrophages and
(Single Port) in Pigs. World J Lap Surg 2015;8(1):1-6.
granulocytes, increases the adhesion of leukocytes to the
Source of support: Nil
endothelium and induces the synthesis of acutephase
Conflict of interest: None proteins. Creactive protein is involved in the stress
response to surgery, stimulating the phagocytosis by
neutrophils and tissue macrophages. 9
1 Chairman and Head, 2,3,6 Researcher, Biologist
5 Pathologist, Professor
1-7 Department of Urology, São Paulo University; Vicky Safra
Surgery, Teaching and Research Center, São Paulo, Brazil The present study aimed to compare the acute inflamma
Corresponding Author: Ricardo Jordão Duarte, Department tory responses of CL and SA, considering only the trauma
of Urology, Rua Afonso Bras 525, Conj 82, CEP: 04511- caused by the placement of the access point, by measuring
011 São Paulo, Brazil, Phone: 55-11-3842 62 68, e-mail: the serum levels of IL4, IL6, IL8, IL10, TNFa and CRP
in surgeries performed in an animal model (pig).
World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):1-6 1