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                     Difference between the Inflammatory Reaction Caused by the Placement of a Conventional Laparoscopic Access
          ReSuLTS                                             DISCuSSIon

          IL­4 and TNF­a showed a significant, but borderline,  The goal of continually improving surgical techniques,

          reduction between T0 and T3. IL­10 and CRP also  with  an emphasis on  reducing  tissue  damage,  has
          decreased, but not significantly. IL-6 and IL-8 increased,  inspired several advancements in minimally invasive
          but not significantly (Table 1).                    procedures. In this regard, video laparoscopic represents
             Table 2 shows that there were no significant diffe-  a major advance, as it is now the gold standard for the
          rences between the two groups in IL­4, IL­6, IL­8, IL­10,  surgical treatment of many diseases. The main reason
          TNF­a or CRP at 240 minutes (T3). There was a difference  for using this technique is to minimize tissue damage,
          in the IL­4 level between the two groups only at T1. TNF­a  resulting in a weaker inflammatory response, which
          showed a difference between groups at T0. A possible  results in less pain, shorter postoperative recovery and
          explanation for this finding is that TNF-a increased due  earlier return to activities, in addition to better esthetic
          to trauma during the transportation of the animals, which  results. Techniques that, in theory, should cause less tis­
          were supposedly healthy and had no visible lesions when  sue trauma to the patients, such as natural orifice trans­
          they reached the laboratory. This difference persisted  luminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) and SA or ‘single
          through T1 (immediately after the trocars were placed)  port’ or ‘LESS,’ have also been developed. However, it is
          but disappeared in the following measurements.      still unclear whether these techniques, particularly the
                                                              SA technique, are actually less traumatic than CL. 10
           Table 1: Changes in IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α and CRP in
                  all 20 pigs between T0 and T3 (240 minutes)     The evaluation of the inflammatory response to
                                                              surgical trauma can be performed by measuring the
                              Mean ± standard
                              deviation (pg/mL)      P        ILs in blood, and previous studies have emphasized the
           T0: IL-4           0.184 ± 0.076          0.004*   importance of IL­4, IL­6, IL­8 and IL­10.  Tumor necrosis
           T3: IL-4           0.123 ± 0.013                   factor-alpha and CRP are also used to evaluate the infla-
           T0: IL-6           0.253 ± 0.131          0.437    mmatory response to surgical trauma. 10­12  However, many
           T3: IL-6           0.271 ± 0.173                   factors interfere with their measurement accuracy, and the
           T0: IL-8           0.046 ± 0.005          0.228    results obtained with these markers are conflicting. 10­13
           T3: IL-8           0.054 ± 0.027                      The present study aimed to evaluate the acute inflam­
           T0: IL-10          0.116 ± 0.045          0.240    matory response triggered by the surgical trauma that
           T3: IL-10          0.108 ± 0.038
           T0: TNF-α          0.072 ± 0.007          0.018*   results from two techniques currently used: SA, consi­
           T3: TNF-α          0.068 ± 0.004                   dered by some authors a less invasive procedure,
           T0: CRP            3.112 ± 0.278          0.117    and video laparoscopic surgery. For this purpose, the
           T3: CRP            3.011 ± 0.290                   serum levels of ILs, TNF­a and CRP were measured in a
          *Significant                                        porcine model.

           Table 2: Comparisons of serum cytokine and CRP concentrations between the SA group and CL group at T0 (immediately after
           anesthesia), T1 (immediately after the trocars were placed), T2 (120 minutes after the trocars were placed) and T3 (240 minutes after
           the trocars were placed)
                       IL-4 (pg/ml)    IL-6 (pg/ml)   IL-8 (pg/ml)   IL-10 (pg/ml)  TNF-a (pg/ml)   CRP (pg/ml)
            SA group   0.151 ± 0.788   0.199 ± 0.121  0.044 ± 0.052  0.096 ± 0.022  0.068 ± 0.006  3.102 ± 0.242
            CL group   0.218 ± 0.059   0.308 ± 0.122  0.047 ± 0.058  0.135 ± 0.055  0.077 ± 0.006  3.123 ± 0.324
            p-value    0.46            0.5            0.277          0.052          0.006*         0.873
            SA group   0.143 ± 0.041   0.254 ± 0.252  0.045 ± 0.058  0.135 ± 0.126  0.067 ± 0.005  3.057 ± 0.266
            CL group   0.235 ± 0.072   0.228 ± 0.079  0.055 ± 0.017  0.174 ± 0.136  0.078 ± 0.005  2.993 ± 0.156
            p-value    0.003*          0.76           0.101          0.526          0.001*         0.522
            SA group   0.138 ± 0.031   0.190 ± 0.097  0.050 ± 0.006  0.105 ± 0.030  0.067 ± 0.004  2.947 ± 0.381
            CL group   0.160 ± 0.032   0.306 ± 0.188  0.054 ± 0.015  0.122 ± 0.038  0.070 ± 0.005  2.938 ± 0.314
            p-value    0.137           0.098          0.469          0.286          0.168          0.957
            SA group   0.129 ± 0.012   0.227 ± 0.122  0.051 ± 0.018  0.098 ± 0.029  0.066 ± 0.002  3.058 ± 0.305
            CL group   0.118 ± 0.012   0.314 ± 0.209  0.057 ± 0.035  0.119 ± 0.044  0.070 ± 0.006  2.963 ± 0.005
            p-value    0.061           0.27           0.649          0.239          0.128          0.482
           *Significant; Concentrations are presented as means ± standard deviation
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):1-6                                  3
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