Page 6 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 6

Ricardo Jordão Duarte et al
             In most protocols, the SA technique is performed  such as housing, medications and assessments of other
          through a single 2.5 cm incision that passes through the  inflammation foci, e.g. lungs require larger technical and
          skin, aponeurosis and muscles, called the port or access  financial resources, in addition to imposing postoperative
          point. A trocar is placed on the access point, allowing  suffering on the animals.
          instruments such as the optic and two to four clamps     Nakano et al (2007) observed increased IL­4, 3 hours
          to be introduced into the body. This differs from lapa­  after laparotomy in rats, confirming that the sampling
          roscopy, which is performed through a 1.0 cm incision  time used in the present study was sufficient to evalu­
          in the abdominal wall, usually in the umbilical region,  ate IL­4.  In a study on IL­4 and IL­10, Shapenko et al
          and two or three, 5 or 10 mm incisions in the abdominal  considering that these markers have anti-inflammatory
          wall, called ports or access points, where the trocars will  action in animals, demonstrated that they are suitable for
          be placed. Many video laparoscopic procedures use two  studies in humans. 17,18  The reduction of IL­4 might have
          10 mm access points (one umbilical and one in the iliac  resulted from the minor trauma caused by the access
          fossa) and two 5 mm access points (one in the region of the  points in the present study. In support of this hypothesis,
          xiphoid appendix and the other in the hypochondrium),  the reduction observed in the SA group (0.151 to 0.129 =
          so this setting was used for the present study. The SA  0.022) was lower than the reduction observed in group 2
          technique imposes a space restriction between the hands  (0.218 to 0.118 = 0.100). This effect may warrant investiga­
          of the surgeons when they manipulate surgical clamps,  tion in future studies. Kimura et al (2006), who studied the
          making the procedure considerably more difficult than  kinetics of IL­4, IL­6, IL­8 and IL­10, observed increases
          CL. Therefore, the benefit to the patient depends on the  in all these markers except for IL­4.
          experience of the surgeon. 14                          IL­6 has been used as a marker of response to surgical
             To evaluate only the inflammatory response triggered  trauma by several authors. 9­11  Shenkin et al demonstrated
          by the access points, pneumoperitoneum was not used  variations in the IL­6 level 90 minutes after skin incision,
          because the gas used in SA or CL surgery may influence  reaching a peak level at 4 hours.  Cruickshank et al found
          the inflammatory response markers (ILs, TNF­a and  increased IL­6 after 2 to 4 hours in several procedures,
          CRP). 10­13  Some studies have evaluated the differences  demonstrating a correlation between IL­6 and tissue
          between SA and video laparoscopy but included the  trauma.
          entire surgical procedure.  However, each surgery may     A study by Hao et al (2012), which analyzed the inflam-
          have different variables, such as the dissection length,  matory response promoted by LESS and by CL in a
          bleeding and infections, which could modify the results.  procedure for treating varicocele in children, did not
          The present study evaluated only the trauma resulting  observe significant differences between the two proce­
          from the access points. Recently, a study with a design  dures regarding IL­6 or TNF­a.  Matsumoto et al (2005),
          similar to ours was published.  However, the author used  who compared laparoscopic nephrectomy, hand­assisted
          pneumoperitoneum for 1 hour after the access points  laparoscopy (insertion of a hand into the abdomen
          were placed, which could influence the IL levels. 10­12    through a minimal incision) and the open technique,
             In the present study, we used healthy pigs as an   measured the inflammatory response in pigs by analyz­
          animal model, all from a farm in a nearby town. The  ing peritoneal IL­6 and plasma TNF­a, showing that the
          town is approximately 1 hour away from the lab, and the  laparoscopic technique had weaker inflammatory effects
          pigs were brought to the lab on the day of the procedure.  than hand­assisted or open surgery.  Ypsilantis et al (2012)
          This decision may have influenced the results because  conducted a study of IL­6, IL­8, TNF­a and CRP in 20 pigs,
          of the possibility that the transportation was traumatic  aiming to evaluate the inflammatory responses to LESS
          for the animals. However, blood samples were collected  and CL. The pigs were divided into four groups: SA with
          from both groups at T0, immediately after anesthesia and  pneumoperitoneum for 1 hour; CL with pneumoperito­
          intubation. Four pigs per day arrived on different days,  neum; only pneumoperitoneum; and only anesthesia.
          and two pigs went to each group randomly, to minimize  The analysis of IL­6, IL­8, TNF­a and CRP did not show
          the influence of the temperature each day and variations  differences between the various procedures.  Wang et al
          in travel time. Ideally, the animals should be kept longer  (2009) compared open pyeloplasty with laparoscopic
          in the lab before the procedures, but this was not possi­  pyeloplasty in children, analyzing IL­6, IL­8, IL­10, TNF
          ble because of a municipal law that forbids maintaining  and CRP.  They found that, in both groups, IL­6 was
          these animals in the city. This was also the reason why  higher after 4 hours, and IL­6 and CRP were higher in
          the study time was set to 4 hours; ideally, the inflamma­  open surgery.
          tory response should be monitored for longer periods,     IL-8 has also been used in studies on the inflammatory
          such as days or weeks. Furthermore, ideal conditions,  response to surgical trauma.  This IL has the ability to
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