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                                    Coagulation Profile is Randomly done but never Helps in Preparation of Laparoscopic Surgery

                                      Table 4: Summary of the coagulation profile results (p < 0.01)
                               Test indicated                                    Screening test
           Normal      Total abnormal  Abnormal with intervention  Normal  Total abnormal  Abnormal with intervention
           73          14              5                       455         8              0
           83.91%      16.09%          5.75% (35.71%)*         98.27%      1.73%          —
                      Total number of patients = 87 (15.82%)            Total number of patients = 463 (84.18%)
           *35.71% of abnormal results (5 of 14) needed intervention which were 5.75% of total (5 of 87)

                                   Table 5: Available postoperative coagulation profile results (p < 0.01)
                             Test indicated group                              Screening test group
           Normal      Total abnormal  Abnormal with intervention  Normal  Total abnormal  Abnormal with intervention
           36          9               4                       110        3               0
                         Total number of patients = 45                     Total number of patients = 113

          international guidelines CAS, ASA and Harvard medical  could have influenced our test of significance. Most of
          school study to keep the evaluation process simple and  our patients are female 461 (83.82%) this was because
          which can be a tool for the surgeon and anesthetist for  gynecological  laparoscopic  procedures  224  (40.73%)
          preoperative assessment of patient in future. When these  were included in the study. Moreover, our single most
          criteria were applied to the general, gynecological and  performed surgery was laparoscopic cholecystectomy
          urological elective surgery patients who had been ope-  which was also overtly dominated by female. We found
          rated laparoscopically, 87 (15.82%) of them had at least  a relatively high number of abnormal results in the
          one indication for the test. In 84.18% (463) of the patient  screening test groups because we followed our local
          test were not indicated were truly screening tests for an  hospital definitions of abnormal results, rather than the
          occult coagulopathy because they could not have been  more practical ‘action limits’. We also considered total
          otherwise suspected. Although 1.73% of the screening  test result as abnormal when any component of the test
          tests were abnormal, all ignored by the surgeon and  breached the reference value. For instance, we labeled
          anesthetist, because they were marginally prolonged.  total coagulation profile as abnormal when any one of
          Literature also suggests that minimally deranged coagu-  PT, APTT, INR, BT or PC being abnormal, As such, very
          lation result have a poor predictive value for a surgically  few actual interventions were needed for these abnormal
          significant coagulopathy.  Following an abnormal test  results. We considered the change of management plan
          result clinicians may go for correction of it, whereas a seri-  named as intervention to differentiate between the results
          ous abnormality may suggest the surgery to be cancelled  of two groups, as minor change of test value has no real
          or delayed. But commonly most abnormalities are simply  benefits to calculate. Test values also fluctuate by reagent
          ignored. As per Roizen MF clinicians ignore more than  used and analyzer machines.
          60% of abnormalities discovered on routine preopera-     In summary, we could not appreciate any special clue
          tive tests.  In our patients, 35.71% of abnormal results in  or danger to carry on with the same traditional practice
          indicated test group were taken for active management  of routine preoperative coagulation tests for laparoscopic
          by the physicians others were simply ignored, whereas  procedures. The results of our study show that most
          all  the abnormal results were amenable to overlook in  tests 84.18% (463, Table 4) ordered at our institution are
          screening test group.                               incompatible with the applicable published guidelines.
             Postoperatively (up to 28 days), some patients with  To follow established guidelines is usually the exception
          major surgery and had to stay in hospital for couple of  and not the rule in the majority of health institutions in
          days, found to have repeat coagulation profile. Again there  the World. This failure to convert recommendations into
          was no intervention identified in screening test group in  practice is often not related to the content or quality of
          comparison to four interventions in patients of indicated  the guidelines themselves but is more related to difficulty
          test group. We did not put emphasis on these findings in  changing established behavior of clinicians and institu-
          our study as all the patient had not gone through the same  tions in addition to failure of dissemination, cost, and
          investigations after operation, although it gave an idea that  doubt of guideline’s applicability in local populations.
          illogical coagulation profile has no role in laparoscopic  We hope that our study result will be a guideline for
          surgical procedures even in postoperative period.   asking coagulation profile tests in KSA as well as
             Our study is retrospective; our control and study  Bangladesh which will reduce the unnecessary financial
          groups were not matched in number, age and sex, which  burden on the society and patients.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):16-20                              19
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