Page 16 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 16

Muzzafar Zaman et al

                           Table 1: Frequency of occurrence of shoulder tip pain was significantly higher in group B
                                                                 Group A                              Group B
                                            Number             Percentage        Number             Percentage
           patient having shoulder tip pain   2                8                 8                  32
           patient not having shoulder tip pain  23            92                17                 68
           Total                            25                 100               25                 100

              Table 2: Comparison of mean VAS among two groups  resulting in release of inflammatory mediators that
           Groups                Mean                  SD     elicits referred pain to shoulder. 3,8  Another theory is
           A                      0.92                 3.19   based on pockets of residual CO  gas left in the abdomen
           B                      5.72                 8.59   after surgery.  The last theory is based on the assump­
           p-value                0.012                       tion that CO  gas is converted to carbonic acid on the
                                                              moist surface of peritoneum which irritates diaphragm
             Classical four port laparoscopic cholecystectomy  leading to shoulder tip pain.
          was done in all the 50 cases. Randomization of cases     In our study, the frequency of shoulder tip pain
          was done according to randomization chart and stan­  was significantly lower in the group that underwent
          dard statistical methods were used for analyzing the  laparoscopic cholecystectomy with low pressure pneu­
          outcome of the study p-value < 0.05 showed statistically  moperitoneum compared to standard pressure pneu­
          significant value.                                  moperitoneum. Only two patients (8%) in group A and
                                                              eight patients (32%) in group B suffered shoulder tip pain
          oBSERVATion And RESuLTS                             which is statistically significant with p < 0.05. Our find­
                                                              ings are similar to Khetri,  Kandil,  Barczynski et al. 6
          The study was conducted at MMU Medical College and
          Hospital, solan. Fifty patients were admitted having gall   The intensity of shoulder tip pain was significantly
          stone disease and 25 patients (group A) underwent lapa­  lower in group A at 8, 12, 24, 48 hours than group B as
          roscopic cholecystectomy with low pressure pneumope­  recorded on VAS. In group A, the mean analgesic con­
          ritoneum (10 mm Hg) and another 25 patients (group B)   sumption was 123 mg as compared to group B which
          underwent the same surgery with standard pressure   was 195 mg with p­valve of 0.04 which is statistically
          pneumoperitoneum (14 mm Hg). They were followed­    significant. Joshipura et al,  Kandil,  Barczynski et al
          up for postoperative shoulder tip pain, operative time,   showed similar findings.
          analgesic consumption, postoperative hospital course
          and complication rates (Tables 1 and 2).            ConCLuSion
             Comparison of shoulder tip pain in two groups.   This study demonstrates that the use of simple expedient
             Comparison  of  mean  visual  analog  score  (VAS)  of reducing the pressure of the pneumoperitoneum to
          among two groups.                                   10 mm Hg results in significant reduction in both the
             Visual analog score was significantly higher in    intensity and frequency of postoperative shoulder tip
          group B.                                            pain, had shorter hospital stay, early recovery, and
             Our findings are similar to the study carried out by   hence better outcome. On the basis of these results, the
          Khetri et al. 4                                     widespread use of low pressure pneumoperitoneum
                                                              can be used as a standard pressure for uncomplicated
          diSCuSSion                                          gallstone disease.

          The advent of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a mile­
          stone achieved in the treatment of gallstones. Though   REFEREnCES
          there have been obvious advantages of laparoscopic     1.  Tsimayiannis ECg, Lekkas ET, Siakas P, Jabarian M, Tzorou H.
          cholecystectomy but postoperative shoulder tip pain     Intraperitoneal normal saline and bupivacaine infusion for
          is still a very common and distressing complaint. The   reduction of postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecys­
                                                                  tectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1998:8:416-420.
          origin of referred pain to shoulder after laparoscopic     2.  Cunnife MG, McAnena OJ, Dar MA, Flyn CJ. Prospective
          cholecystectomy is poorly understood. The tissue        randomized trial of intraoperative bupivacaine irrigation for
          trauma theory is based on stretching of the peritoneum   the management of shoulder tip pain following laparoscopy.
          and diaphragm secondary to pneumoperitoneum             Am J 1997:84:455-458.

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