Page 18 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          M Riyad et al                                                         10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1239
          OriginaL articLe

          Coagulation Profile is Randomly done but never Helps in

          Preparation of Laparoscopic Surgery

          1 M Riyad,  S Uddin,  G Alsaied,  A Alshareef,  K Muhaimeed,  Y Abdulkarim
          ABSTRACT                                            inTRodUCTion
          Study objective: To assess the usefulness of practicing pre-  Prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thrombo-
          operative coagulations tests in preparation of laparoscopic
          surgical procedures.                                plastin time (APTT), international normalization ratio
          Design: Retrospective observational study.          (INR), platelet count (PC) and bleeding time (BT) are
                                                              commonly ordered by clinicians as part of preoperative
          Setting: king fahad medical city a tertiary-care referral center
          in Saudi Arabia.                                    assessment. In preparation of patient for laparoscopic
          Method:  five  hundred  and  fifty  adult patients  scheduled   procedure these tests are never missed in KSA and some
          for elective laparoscopic surgery were studied to determine  other countries like India. In Bangladesh though coagula-
          whether plan of management was influenced by routinely done   tion profile is not mandatory for all patients but still it is
          bleeding time (BT), platelet count (Pc), prothrombin time (PT),   widely practiced by the surgeons and anesthesiologists
          activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and international
          normalization ratio (INR).                          before laparoscopic procedure.
          Results: No intervention or change of management was      Evidence-based guidelines on the use of preopera-
          identified in 463 patients whom coagulation profiles were done  tive tests before elective surgery have been published
          routinely as part of preoperative preparation. However, man-  by the national institute for clinical excellence (NICE) a
          agement plan was changed in 5 (5.75%) of 87 patients having
          indications for coagulation profile test (p < 0.01).  government organization in the UK in 2003 where these
          Conclusion: The study shows that preoperative screening   tests were not recommended routinely either in adult
          tests for coagulopathies not suspected on the basis of detailed  or in children before elective procedure in the absence
          clinical information are unnecessary and should not be done.  of positive family or personal history of bleeding dis-
          Keywords:  Coagulation  profile,  Indicated test,  Indication,  order. More recently British Committee for Standards
          Intervention, Screening test.                       in Haematology has confirmed the NICE guidelines
          How to cite this article: Riyad m, Uddin S, Alsaied G, Alshareef   appropriateness regarding this.  American Society of
          A, Muhaimeed K, Abdulkarim Y. Coagulation Profile is Randomly
          done but Never Helps in Preparation of Laparoscopic Surgery.   Anesthesiology (ASA) has published an advisory in 2002
          World J Lap Surg 2015;8(1):16-20.                   saying that patient with negative abnormal bleeding
          Source of support: Nil                              history does not require coagulation screening prior to
                                                              surgery.  A prospective study showed proper history
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              taking can safely and effectively supplement preoperative
                                                              screening test for coagulopathy.  British committee for
            1 Associate Professor and Ex. Resident,  Assistant consultant    standards in haematology also stated that unnecessary
            3,5,6 consultant,  Resident                       testing can delay surgery in appropriately because of low
            1 Ad-din  Medical  College  Hospital,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh;    positive predictive value of these tests.  Canadian anes-
            Department of General Surgery, king fahad medical city   thesiologist society (CAS) published a simple guidelines
            Riyadh, Saudi Arabia                              regarding routine preoperative coagulation test.  In a
            2,4 Department of General Surgery, king fahad medical city   systemic review done in Johns Hopkins University School
            Riyadh, Saudi Arabia                              of Medicine in 2005 conclude that there is very insufficient
            3 Department of General Surgery and IcU, king fahad medical   evidence to conclude that abnormal test results predict
            city, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
                                                              peroperative bleeding and suggested RCT to provide
            5 Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, king fahad medical   strong evidence.  On the other hand, Italian Society for
            city, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
                                                              Haemostasis and thrombosis recommended that PT, PTT,
            6 Department of Oncology Surgery, king fahad medical city
            Riyadh, Saudi Arabia                              INR should be performed routinely before any invasive
                                                              or surgical procedure.  There are many other studies
            Corresponding Author:  m Riyad, Associate Professor
            and Ex. Resident, Ad-din medical college Hospital, Dhaka   and case reports supporting preoperative some sorts
            Bangladesh; Department of General Surgery, King Fahad   of coagulation profile.  Most of the country in Europe
            Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, e-mail: foysol_doctor@  follow NICE guidelines and some other country is try-
                                                              ing to prove this thought in their population for specific
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