Page 20 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 20

M Riyad et al
                                      Flow Chart 1: Study scheme showing group differentiation

          injection were taken as intervention, whereas preparation  diSCUSSion
          of packed RBC or total blood in an operative procedure   The current study is the first ever evaluation regarding
          where generally not ordered is also considered as change   the usefulness of routine preoperative coagulation testing
          of management. Preoperative blood transfusion for     in case of only laparoscopic surgery patients. Comprehen-
          anemia or blood transfusion for major surgery in absence   sive criteria derived from the patient history and physical
          of positive bleeding history was not considered as inter-  examinations were used to determine that preoperative
          ventions for coagulation profile tests.             coagulation testing was indicated or not. The question-
             Statistical comparisons between the two groups   naire was designed to supplement the standard history
          in context of required interventions were made using
          Fisher’s exact test, with the level of significance taken as   and physical examination by the chart reviewing physi-
          p < 0.05.                                           cians. It was made by assistance of a number of strong
                                                                  Table 2: Demographic data and distribution of patients
                                                              Patients (n)           Number          Percentage
          A total 550 adult patient underwent elective laparoscopic   Total          550             100
          surgery, of them 461 (83.82%) patients was female (Table 2).   male        89              16.18
          Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Table 3) was the commo-  female              461             83.82
          nest procedure 245 (44.55%).                        General surgery        301             54.72
             Among the 87 patients whom the coagulation profile   Gynecology         224             40.73
          was indicated, 14 (16.09%) patients had abnormal results,   Urology        25              04.55
          requiring intervention preoperatively for 5 (5.75%)        Table 3: Laparoscopic procedures performed
          patients (Table 4). Four hundred and sixty-three patients   Name                    Number Percentage
          were in the screening test group. Of those, 455 (98.27%)   Laparoscopic cholecystectomy  245  44.55
          patients were found to have normal results. Even the     Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy/   63  11.46
          8 (1.73%) patients with abnormal results did not require   Oophorectomy/salpingo-oophorectomy
          any intervention. The difference in the change of man-  Total laparoscopic hysterectomy and   62  11.27
          agement (Table 4) between the two groups were highly   laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy
          significant (p < 0.01).                             Diagnostic laparoscopy with or    46   8.36
                                                              without hysteroscopy
             Among the test indicated group test was repeated   Laparoscopic myomectomy       29     5.27
          at least once or multiple times in 45 patients (Table 5).   Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy  23  4.18
          Nine patients had once or more than once abnormal   Laparoscopic colorectal procedures  20  3.64
          results and interventions were needed in 4 patients. On   Laparoscopic pancreatectomy, splenec-  17  3.09
          the other hand, 113 patients of the screening group were   tomy, adrenalectomy, Nephrectomy
          found to have coagulation profile repeated within 28 days    Laparoscopic vericocelectomy  13  2.36
          postoperative period, only three patients had abnormal     Others                   32     5.82
          results, again not needing any active management.   Total                           550    100
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25