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                                    Coagulation Profile is Randomly done but never Helps in Preparation of Laparoscopic Surgery
          operations. For instance, coagulation status is routinely  scheduled operation list published and distributed day
          checked before any operative procedure in Germany but  before surgery.
          German Society for Ear-Nose-Throat-Medicine, Head and     To identify patients predisposed to an abnormal
          Neck Surgery (DGHNO), the Working Group Paediatric  coagulation system, a comprehensive list of indications
          Anaesthesiology of the German Society of Anaesthesio-  (Table 1) for preoperative coagulation testing was derived
          logy and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI), the German  with guidance of CAS guidelines, ASA advisory and
          Society of Paediatric Medicine (DGKJ), and the Paediatric  Harvard medical school study.  Based upon the listed
          Committee of the German Society of Thrombosis and  questionnaire patients file was reviewed to divide them
          Haemostasis Research (GTH), published in the Deutsches  into ‘Indicated test group’ and ‘Screening test group’.
          Ärzte blatt in 2006, stressed that coagulation screening  Indicated test group patients were those whom coagula-
          is not useful in the preoperative setting and advised to  tion test results might had been abnormal due to specific
          draw more attention on the patient’s detailed history.    findings in history and physical examination. Screening
             It is obvious that preoperative routine coagulation   tests group patients were those whom these investiga-
          profile is still in practice and a matter of contention   tions were not specifically needed; therefore, were done
          between the physicians. In most of the country, it is con-  as screening for an unsuspected coagulopathy (Flow
          sidered as an obligatory part of preoperative evaluation   Chart 1).
          for laparoscopic surgery. One of the reasons behind that      Preoperative INR, PT, PTT, BT and PC results
          is surgeon is very much cautious about bleeding during   recorded from hospital electronic data base system. Post-
          laparoscopic procedures, others are more general, to    operative results (up to 28 days postoperative period)
          detect unsuspected abnormalities that might influence   also searched and recorded when available. Any change
          the risk of operative morbidity and mortality; establishing   of management plan to overcome the abnormal results
          a baseline value for a test that has a likelihood of being   termed as ‘Intervention’, was identified from physician
          monitored and changing after the surgical procedure;   order documented in the file. Cancellation of procedure,
          for medicolegal reasons; and as a tradition in individual   transfusion of packed RBC, whole blood in excess of
          institutional practices.                            normal due to coagulopathy, transfusion of fresh frozen
             Here in Saudi Arabia, we found that no patients     plasma, platelets, or other coagulation factors and Vit K
          undergo elective surgical procedures without coagulation
          testing. In our institution, a tertiary referral hospital in   Table 1: Indications to request preoperative coagulation profile
          the capital drawing a general catchment from all over the   • Bleeding diathesis, family  Prolonged bleeding
          country PT, PTT, INR, BT and PC is a routine practice for   history of bleeding disorder Excessive bleeding
          all elective surgical patients. Science already proven that                Easy bruising
          routine preoperative investigations is not necessary by                    Unable to give history
          the major medical societies of the world, we decided to   • Anticoagulant therapy   Aspirin
          check if there is any role of coagulation profile in prepa-                Heparin, Enoxaparine
          ration of patient for laparoscopy surgery.                                 Warfarin
                                                                                     Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
          STUdY dESiGn                                                               drugs
                                                              • Past medical history  History of deep venous
          Retrospective chart review.                                                thrombosis or pulmonary
          SETTinGS                                                                   chronic renal failure on dialysis
                                                                                     cirrhosis, jaundice
          Department of surgical specialties, King Fahad Medi-                       Splenic disease
          cal City a tertiary care super specialized referral center,                Platelet dysfunction
          Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.                                                      Thrombocytopenia
                                                              • malignancy           metastatic carcinoma
          METHodS                                                                    malignancy with radio-
          Upon approval from institutional review board (IRB)   • Physical examinations  Petechiae
          all patients underwent elective laparoscopy surgery in                     Ecchymosis
          the year 2009 was identified from operation theater and                    Jaundice
          anesthesia department co-ordinated data base system.                       Hepatomegaly, nodular liver
          We excluded pediatric patients, emergency procedures                       Ascitis
          and pregnant patients. Elective surgery was defined as                     Splenomegaly
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2015;8(1):16-20                              17
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