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                                                             Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Current Status and Techniques
          ReLATive ConTRAindiCATionS                          sighting of the hilar structure and to position the small
          To LApARoSCopy                                      bowel in the lower abdomen and pelvis. Two to three
                                                              trocars are placed under direct visualization to facilitate
          Although refractory hypotension is the only absolute   triangulation of the intended surgery site. Here, laparos-
          contraindication to laparoscopy, there are many situations   copic ultrasound is of great use to determine the depth
          that make its use ill advised. In general, patients with an   of the mass and its juxtaposition to vasculature.
          American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classifica-     Lesions on the liver surface may be wedged out with
          tion of four or higher should not undergo laparoscopic   the use of laparoscopic adaptations of the Harmonic
          procedures because hemodynamic instability is likely   scalpel (Ethicon EndoSurgery, Blue Ash, Ohio), LigaSure
          to arise in the setting of a pneumoperitoneum. As such,   (Covidien, Boulder, Colo), Enseal (Ethicon Endo-Surgery,
          patients with poor cardiopulmonary reserve should     Blue Ash, Ohio), or any other bipolar energy device.
          temper the surgeon’s enthusiasm for laparoscopic pur-     Generally, the hilum is dissected and the respective
          suits. However, rarely is the surgeon confronted with   hepatic artery ligated and divided. The portal vein to the
          such obvious and straightforward clinical decisions.   affected side is then clamped. Transection then begins
             The assessment of the risks and benefits of alter-  in the usual fashion, and major vasculature is controlled
          native operative approaches underscores the relative   with laparoscopic stapling devices. The major bile ducts
          contraindications for laparoscopic liver resection. In our   are also stapled, and the specimen is extirpated through
          experience, patients who have had prior open foregut   an extended umbilical incision. For this reason, it is more
          surgery are generally poor candidates for a laparoscopic   prudent to attempt larger resections with the alternative
          approach, given the likely adhesive disease. Moreover,   hand-assisted and hybrid techniques, given the similarity
          bulky pathology or hepatomegaly usually predicates   in the incision size.
          open surgery, as hepatic mobilization can be problematic
          (Box 1). In contrast, laparoscopic resection for malignancy  hAnd-ASSiSTed TeChnique And
          has been shown to be safe, which parallels the findings  The hyBRid TeChnique
          for treatment of other intra-abdominal organ cancers.
                                                              The incision that accommodates the hand port is the same
                                                              for the hand-assisted and the hybrid techniques, there are
          opeRATive TeChniqueS
                                                              some definitive differences. Both operative procedures
          Numerous methods of laparoscopic resection have  employ the hand as a retractor, but hand-assisted liver
          gained popularity with increased sharing and collabora-  resection implies that the resection is performed entirely
          tion in the surgical community. Recognizing the diversity  intracorporeally. Conversely, the hybrid technique is
          of these laparoscopic techniques used for liver resection,  a practice of using the hand to mobilize the liver with
          a panel of 45 well-known hepatobiliary surgeons worked  subsequent removal of the hand port so as to perform
          to establish a standard classification system and summa-  the liver transection in an open fashion without exten-
          rize a unified position statement on safety and efficacy  ding the incision.
          of laparoscopic liver resection.                       Many favors the hybrid approach as they intuitively
                                                              feel that this technique provides a more expeditious and
          puRe LApARoSCopy                                    practical manner for mobilization, parenchymal dissec-
                                                              tion, and removal of liver specimen. Here, I will describe
          Pure laparoscopy is usually used for wedge resections   the hybrid approach to liver resection, but the details are
          of anterior lesions of the liver or masses located in the   applicable to any system of laparoscopy using the hand.
          left lateral segment, but it has been used for major lobe      A 7.5 cm subxiphoid incision is made, and a hand port
          resections as well. Access is gained into the abdomen,   is inserted for hand assistance. A pneumoperitoneum
          depending on the surgeon’s preference, and an umbilical   is established after a standard Hassan trocar insertion
          10 mm trocar is placed. After insufflation, the patient is   periumbilically, and a 5 mm trocar is placed obliquely in
          moved into the reverse Trendelenburg position to enable
                                                              the right or left subcostal margin depending on the loca-
                                                              tion of the target lobe. The periumbilical trocar placement
           Box 1: Relative contraindications to laparoscopic hepatic resection
           •  ASA classification ≥ 4                          can be particularly risky because of its larger size and the
           •  Poor cardiopulmonary reserve                    relatively blind nature of insertion. This possibility can
           •  Prior open foregut surgery                      be minimized by introducing the trocar using the Hassan
           •  Large (> 10 cm) posterior lesions               cut-down technique.
           •  Hepatomegaly                                       One hand should be placed into the abdomen through
           ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists         the subxiphoid incision to receive the trocar as the other
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2015;8(2):48-51                                 49
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