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                                            Anastomotic Leak in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: Risk Factors and Prevention
          multiple firings of the linear stapler, were significantly  suggested a negative role of blood transfusions in the
          associated with AL.  Most probably, it will affect the  outcome of patients with cancer. 19-22  Blood transfusions
          blood supply to the anastomotic site.               lead to depression of the immune system increasing the
             Several studies confirmed that laparoscopic colorectal  risk of postoperative infectious complications and the
          surgery improved early postoperative outcomes in terms  incidence of anastomotic fistulas. Study showed that
          of reduced intraoperative blood loss, postoperative pain,  blood transfusions increase the incidence of anastomotic
          ileus and hospital stay. 8-10                       abscess and poor healing of anastomoses.  Study also
                                                              found that postoperative blood transfusion is an inde-
          Men vs Women                                        pendent predictive factor for anastomotic leakage. 24

          Anastomotic leakage after colorectal anastomosis was   American Society of
          reported to be more common for men. Law et al reported   Anesthesiologists (ASAs) Score
          in their study male gender as a risk factor for AL after
          low anterior resection.  Rullier et al have showed that  Most authors, the American Society of Anesthesiologists
          fistula was 2.7 times higher in men compared to women  (ASAs) score ≥ 3 was associated with an increased risk
          after analyzing variables associated with AL in 272 con-  for anastomotic leak. 25-28  Around the 2.5 times increased
          secutive anterior resections.  A systematic review and  risk of anastomotic leak with every unit increase in the
          meta-analysis of 4,580 patients and an analysis of 753  ASA score.  Another author confirmed high ASA grade
          patients showed that men more to have anastomotic leak  as independent risk factor for anastomotic leak.  Medical
          than women. 36,38  Lipska et al also showed in a study of  comorbidities (pulmonary, cardiac, renal) are risk factor
          541 patients that men are at a higher risk. The rate of AL  for AL.
          increases in men with previous abdominal surgery, rectal
          cancer lower than 12 cm from the anal verge or prolonged   operation Time
          operating time. The risk of AL increased when two or  Operating time ≥ 180 minutes identified as a risk factor.
          more risk factors were present. 12
                                                              neoadjuvant Therapy and Steroid Therapy
          Body Mass Index
                                                              Neoadjuvant therapy tended to be associated with the
          Most of studies reported that body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25  development of AL. Preoperative chemotherapy reported
          is risk factor for AL. 38                           as risk factor for anastomotic leak.  Chronic steroid therapy
                                                              was significantly associated with leaks. 14,18,31,32  In a study
                                                              showed that, the incidence of AL was significantly higher in
          Malnutrition can affect the healing process of the anasto-  seven patients treated with long-term corticosteroids (50%
          mosis. A study showed that significant effects on colonic  leak) and in patients taking corticosteroids peroperatively
          AL and wound infection can occur only with severe  (19% leak). 33
          degrees of malnutrition.  Malnutrition exerts an adverse
          effect on tissue healing by affecting processes, such as   oTheR FACToRS
          collagen synthesis or synthesis of sulfated mucopolysac-  Data analysis demonstrated that AL was more common
          charides or affecting fibroblast proliferation. Some studies  in patients with tobacco abuse. Not significant with
          have showed a relationship between preoperative serum  Alcohol abuse. 36
          albumin level and the occurrence of anastomotic fistulas
          and the reduction of value of serum albumin in 5th POD   ConCLuSIon
          were the factors that were associated significantly with  Colorectal anastomotic leak is one of the most common
          the development of clinical AL. 6                   complications of laparoscopic colorectal surgeries. In
             Study reported a rate of 6.9% of fistula in patients with  conclusion, tumor location ≤ 6 cm from the anal verge,
          albumin level less than 3 mg/dl, and 2.8% incidence of  tumor size > 5 cm, preservation of the left colic artery,
          fistulae for the patients with the level of serum albumin  male gender, severe malnutrition, BMI ≥ 25, preopera-
          higher.  Several studies reported a preoperative serum  tive Neoadjuvant therapy and steroid therapy, ASA score
          albumin level less than 3.5 g/dl to be a significant risk  ≥ 3, tobacco abuse, operating time ≥ 180 minutes, pre-
          factor for anastomotic leaks. 15-18                 compression before stapler firing and multiple firing of
                                                              the stapler are associated with increase the risk of deve-
          hemoglobin and Blood Transfusion
                                                              loping AL. On the other hand, Improve nutritional status,
          The level of hemoglobin preoperatively and in 5th POD  control comorbidities, stop smoking at least 2 weeks

          was not significant risk factors. Recent studies have  before surgery and preoperative use of mechanical bowel
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2015;8(2):43-47                                 45
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