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                                            Anastomotic Leak in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: Risk Factors and Prevention
          revieW articLe

          Anastomotic Leak in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery:

          Risk Factors and Prevention

          Abdullah Badawi

          ABSTRACT                                            patients who underwent laparoscopic colorectal surgeries
          Background: Anastomotic leakage (AL) is a common compli-  were collected.
          cation and still is a significant problem following laparoscopic
          colorectal surgery. Risk factors and prevention for AL are not  MeThodS
                                                              A systematic search of electronic databases (PubMed,
          Methods: A systematic search of electronic databases. Cohort,
          case-control studies and randomized controlled trials that exa-  NCBI,  Annals  journal,  WJOLS,  SLS  journal,  WJGS,
          mined clinical risk factors and prevention for AL were included.  Medscape and UpToDate) for 31 studies published from
                                                              January 2009 to September 2015 was performed. Cohort,
          Conclusions: In conclusion, tumor location ≤ 6 cm from the
          anal verge, tumor size > 5 cm, preservation of the left colic   case-control studies and randomized controlled trials
          artery, male gender, severe malnutrition, body mass index (BMI)  that examined clinical risk factors and prevention for
          ≥ 25, preoperative Neoadjuvant therapy and steroid therapy,  AL were included.
          American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASAs) score ≥ 3, tobacco
          abuse, operating time ≥ 180 minutes, precompression before   InTRoduCTIon
          stapler firing and multiple firing of the stapler are associated with
          increase the risk of developing AL. On the other hand, Improve   Since the beginning of laparoscopic surgery, minimally
          nutritional status, control comorbidities, stop smoking at least   access techniques have been used by surgeons and gyne -
          2 weeks before surgery and preoperative use of mechanical
          bowel preparation, assessment and subsequent adaptation   cologists for multiple elective procedures, some emer-
          of operative technique without multiple firings of stapler or  gency procedures, benign and malignant tumors. In
          precompression before stapler firings and the use of transanal   1987, big step toward the minimally invasive techniques
          tube postoperatively, showed decrease in the AL rate following   and away from more invasive open techniques, after the
          laparoscopic colorectal procedures.
                                                              promising outcome of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
          Keywords: Anastomotic leak, Colon cancer, Colorectal cancer,   The first laparoscopic colectomy was reported in 1991
          Laparoscopic colorectal surgery, Laparoscopy, Prevention of
          anastomotic leakage, Risk factor of anastomotic leakage.  by Jacobs et al and showed better outcome and less
                                                              recovery period. 41
          How to cite this article: Badawi A. Anastomotic Leak in Lapa-
          roscopic Colorectal Surgery: Risk Factors and Prevention. World      Many surgeons performed laparoscopic colectomy for
          J Lap Surg 2015;8(2):43-47.                         benign diseases, oncologic concerns made the application
                                                              of minimally access surgery (MAS) to malignant colo-
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              rectal  disease slow.  By the time, after numerous studies
          Conflict of interest: None                          (randomized controlled trials) comparing laparoscopic
                                                              to open surgery for colon cancer were published, were
                                                              showed that in experienced hands, appropriate oncologic
          Anastomotic leakage (AL) is a common complication and  resections can be performed and the results of laparo-
          still is a significant problem following laparoscopic colo-  scopic techniques equivalent to the open techniques. 43-46
          rectal surgery. Risk factors for AL are not well-defined.  After the minimally access procedures became widely
          Herein, data analysis and systematic review to quan-  accepted, many surgical innovators and industries develop
          tify the predictive risk factors for AL and prevention in   new technology with even less invasive appro aches.
                                                              Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) allows the
                                                              surgeons to operate through single incision.  Robotic
            Surgical Resident                                 procedures at the beginning was popular in other spe-
            Department of Surgery, King Abdulaziz General Hospital and   cialties, such as urology, and some surgeries for rectal
            Trauma Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia               cancer  to  overcome  the  limitations  of  conventional
            Corresponding Author:  Abdullah  Badawi,  Surgical   laparoscopy  in  the  confined  working  space  of  the
            Resident, Department of Surgery, King Abdulaziz General   pelvis. 49,50  In 2000, the da Vinci Surgery System broke
            Hospital and Trauma Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Phone:   new ground by becoming the first robotic surgery system
            00966126375555, e-mail:
                                                              approved by the FDA for general laparoscopic surgery.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2015;8(2):43-47                                 43
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