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          Sasidhar Reddy                                                        10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1246
          RevieW aRticLe

          Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Current Status

          and Techniques

          Sasidhar Reddy

          ABSTRACT                                            the risk of air embolism. For malignant tumors, many
          Laparoscopy has forever changed the landscape of surgery.   expressed concerns about compromising oncological
          Although hepatobiliary surgery remained the last bastion of  clearance and tumor seeding in the peritoneal cavity.
          ‘maximal invasiveness,’ recently there has been a rise in the  Despite these difficulties, instruments have improved
          implementation of laparoscopy for complex liver operations.   and surgical techniques have been refined to ensure
          Liver surgeons have been slow to adopt the laparoscopic
          technique for liver resections. This new approach has offered   that laparoscopic liver resection is not only feasible and
          the patient an alternative to the traditional bilateral subcostal  safe, but also beneficial in terms of blood loss, length of
          incision, and thereby tendered the marked benefits of limited  hospital stay, and severity of wound pain. More than
          incisions inherent to minimally invasive surgery.   a thousand laparoscopic liver resections have been
             As efficiency pressures continue to rise, the laparoscopic                                       3
          approach for liver resection will likely be further embraced. To   performed worldwide since 1992, after Gagner et al
          this end, we surmise that the hybrid technique will gain favor, as   performed the first nonanatomical resection of a liver
          it more closely assimilates the skills that hepatobiliary surgeons  tumor. Although most of these involved resections of
          already possess.                                    only one or two liver segments,  major hepatectomies
             Moreover, this technique offers the most palatable setting                           8-10
          of safety with the use of the hand for liver mobilization and   have also been achieved laparoscopically.   While some
          prompt control of bleeding vasculature.             attempted the relatively straightforward left lateral seg-
             Liver surgery, although initially late to embrace laparoscopy,  mentectomy laparoscopically, it was not until the advent
          is now gaining momentum in this paradigm shift. The advent of   of the hand-assisted technique that formal liver resection
          innovative tools that mirror what is used conventionally have
          facilitated this transition.                        became feasible for many hepatobiliary surgeons. This
                                                              divergence from the purely laparoscopic instrumentation
          Keywords: Hybrid technique, Laparoscopic liver resection,
          Laparoscopy.                                        of the liver had many distinct advantages. Practically, the
                                                              hand is the most useful retractor, offering expedient con-
          How to cite this article: Reddy S. Laparoscopic Liver Resection:
          Current Status and Techniques. World J Lap Surg 2015;8(2):48-51.  formational change and unmatched haptic feedback. As
                                                              such, intracorporeal hand insertion during laparoscopic
          Source of support: Nil                              resection gives the surgeon enhanced tactile stabilization
          Conflict of interest: None                          of the liver, allowing for more precise mobilization and
                                                              dissection of the target lobe. In addition, the hand port
          inTRoduCTion                                        serves as a retrieval site for the surgical specimen. This

          Laparoscopy has forever changed the landscape of sur-  new approach has offered the patient an alternative to
          gery. Although hepatobiliary surgery remained the last   the traditional bilateral subcostal incision, and thereby
          bastion of ‘maximal invasiveness,’ recently there has been   tendered the marked benefits of limited incisions inherent
          a rise in the implementation of laparoscopy for complex   to minimally invasive surgery. This laparoscopic advance
          liver operations. Liver surgeons have been slow to adopt   has extended into all forays of surgery with an ensuing
          the laparoscopic technique for liver resections.    decrease in incision size, which translates into less pain
             Understandably, they are concerned about the control   for the patient. With less pain comes earlier mobility,
          of bleeding, difficulty in retraction and exposure, and   which results in decreased morbidity and reduced length
                                                              of stay. Secondarily, direct costs may be reduced with the
                                                              use of laparoscopic techniques as a result of the earlier
            Senior Registrar                                  hospital discharge.
            Department  of  Surgical  Gastroenterology  and  Liver      Heretofore laparoscopic hepatic resection has seemed
            Transplantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India  far afield, but the subsequent innovation has shifted the
            Corresponding Author: Sasidhar Reddy, Senior Registrar   paradigm. To this end, laparoscopy as applied to hepatic
            Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Trans-  surgery is germane to discussions of ‘best practices’ and
            plantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India, Phone:   offers a technical approach that should be considered for
            +917838046417, e-mail:
                                                              many patients with liver pathology.
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