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Balamurali Krishna Kotakala, RK Mishra
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incisional hernias (PIHs), which could develop at any car site herniation and literature review. J Soc Laparoendosc
port-site, most frequently at the midline, possibly because Surg 2011;15:122-126.
of the absence of supporting muscle. The incidence of 7. Azurin DJ, Go LS, Arroyo LR, Kirkland ML. Trocar site
PIH is variable from center to center, depending on herniation following laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the
significance of an incidental pre-existing umbilical hernia.
several factors including surgical technique and, of Am Surg 1995;61:718-720.
course, surgical experience. 8. Uslu HY, et al. Trocar site hernia after laparoscopic cholecys-
The trocar diameter, trocar design, pre-existing tectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2007;17:600-603.
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factors, direction of the port insertion, use of a drain, and using blunt 12 mm trocar without fascial closure. J Endourol
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of PIH. In obese and bariatric patients because of the Engledow AH. Incisional hernia rates following laparoscopic
larger preperitoneal space and elevated intra-abdominal colorectal resection. Int J Surg Lond Engl 2010;8:470-473.
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