Page 8 - Laparoscopic Journal - WJOLS
P. 8

Balamurali Krishna Kotakala, RK Mishra

          with a spring that spring forward in response to the  4.  Insert the suture material (that should close the port-
          sudden decrease in pressure encountered upon crossing   site) into the cannula tip about 2 cm deep and bend it
          the abdominal wall and entering the peritoneal cavity.  so that it stays in place. Now it is ready.

          1.  Remove the stylet from the cannula.

          2.  Pass a suture material through the cannula from the tip

                                                              5.  Occlude the port-site with a finger so that the pneumo-
                                                                 peritoneum is maintained and pass the Veress beside
                                                                 the finger through all the layers except the skin and
                                                                 subcutaneous tissue under vision.
          3.  Tie the loop and hide the knot in the cannula

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