Page 4 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
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Muzzafar Zaman et al
          and opening of the peritoneum under direct vision, and  MATERIALS AND METHODS
          direct trocar insertion. After reviewing the two methods   The study was carried out in the Department of General
          available and surveying the existing data concerning the   Surgery,  MMIMSR  Medical  College  and  Hospital,
          rates of failure and complications, we conclude that no   Ambala, Haryana from August 2013 to December 2015.
          single technique can claim to be overwhelmingly supe-
          rior, and that laparoscopic surgeons  should, therefore,   INCLUSION CRITERIA
          acquaint themselves with  both of these two techniques.
          The umbilical port (10 mm) is also known as primary  •  Cholelithiasis (uncomplicated)
          port, through which laparoscope is introduced. The  •  Age 18 to 70 years
          majority of visceral or vessel injury  is  due to entry of  •  No history of previous laparotomy
          primary umbilical port. 1                           •  Normal umbilicus.
             The open technique was first described by Hasson
          in 1970. This  technique  consists of creating a small  EXCLUSION CRITERIA
          umbilical incision under direct visualization to enter   •  Age < 18 and > 80
          the abdominal cavity followed by the introduction   •  Pregnancy
          of a blunt trocar. Pneumoperitoneum is then rapidly   •  Past history of laparotomy
          created. Hasson proposed its potential benefits to be   •  Umbilical hernia or granuloma/abscess
          the avoidance of blind insertion of the Veress needle   •  Severe systemic illnesses.
          and bladed trocar, prevention of visceral and vascular
          injuries, preperitoneal insufflation and gas embolism,   OBSERVATION AND RESULTS
          guaranteed pneumoperitoneum, and a more anatomical
          repair of the abdominal wall. 2                     The study was conducted at MMIMSR Medical College
             Under usual circumstances, the Veress needle is   and Hospital, Ambala, Haryana. A total of 200 patients
          inserted in the umbilical area, in the midsagittal plane,   were studied out of which 170 underwent laparoscopic,
          with or without stabilizing or lifting the anterior   20 laparoscopic hernia repair and 10 laparoscopic
          abdominal wall. In patients known or suspected to have   appendectomy (Table 1). All the patients underwent
          periumbi lical adhesions, or after failure to establish   laparoscopic procedures were divided into two groups
          pneumoperitoneum after three attempts, alternative sites   A and B. In group A, pneumoperitoneum was created
          for Veress needle insertion may be sought. 3        using closed technique and in group B it was created
             Both of these techniques are associated with vascular   using open technique. The two groups had different
          as well as visceral injury, but extensive literature reviews   parameters regarding time of consumption of entry
          have not proved the superiority of one technique to the   technique for pneumoperitoneum, safety of viscera
          others, largely due to the lack of large, randomized,   vessels and bladder, air leakage, port site hernia and
          controlled trial  data.  Today,  some 30  years  on, the     failure of both techniques in two groups (Tables 2 and 3).
          debate continues as to which method is the safest to use.
          Various unreliable available body of facts indicates that   DISCUSSION
          the younger generation of General surgeons prefer the     Minimal access surgery has become the method of choice
          open technique. 4-6                                 for management of symptomatic and uncomplicated
                                                              gallbladder stones, appendectomies and hernia repair
                                                                  Table 1: Type of procedure carried out in two groups
          The aim of the study is to see the difference between open                       Group A    Group B
          and closed methods of creation of pneumoperitoneum    Procedure                  (n = 100)  (n = 100)
          for performing any laparoscopic procedure in terms of   Laparoscopic cholecystectomy  85    85
          operating time, safety, failure of technique and time for   Laparoscopic appendectomy  5    5
          creation of pneumoperitoneum.                       Laparoscopic hernia repair   10         10

                                               Table 2: Time analysis in two groups
           Variable                                                     Group A                      Group B
           p-value                                      Range           Mean SD         Range        Mean SD
           Time required to induce pneumoperitoneum 0.044  6–17         9.17 ± 2.86     6–10         8.11 ± 1.02
           Total operating time 0.005                   55–130          78.34 ± 21.59   45–110       67 ± 15.11
           Hospital stay 0.034                          36–72           49.71 ± 8.30    36–56        45.1 ± 6.76
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9