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                                                                                         Laparoscopy in Gynecology
          there were nine (15.8%) cases of unexplained fertility. In  makes it an attractive option. Additionally in clomiphene-
          a study by Samal et al  no obvious cause could be found  resistant patients who can’t come for stringent follow-up
          in 18% cases of infertility.                        which is required in cases of gonadotropin treatment,
             In patients with CPP who underwent diagnostic  LOD is a safe option.
          laparoscopy, one-fourth had endometriosis. This incidence   Half of our cases with CPP showed adhesions.
          was higher in a study by Triolo et al  where one-third of  Hao et al  concluded in their study that pelvis adhesions
          cases who underwent laparoscopy for CPP were found to  are  characteristic  lesions  of  endometriosis,  the  site
          have endometriosis. Only adhesions were found in 50%  and degree of which are closely correlated with pain
          of patients in our study with CPP. According to Neis and  symptoms. Adhesiolysis of deep/dense adhesions has
          Neis  in nearly one-third of the cases the reason for pain  been shown to be of proven benefit. 15,16
          is endometriosis, and in another one-third, adhesions   In a study by Eltabbakh et al,  laparoscopic man-
          are responsible for pain. In 1 (25%) case, no cause could  agement of benign ovarian cysts (mucinous/serous
          be found for pain. The reason for pain in these cases  cystadenoma, dermoid cysts, endometriosis, etc.) with
          of normal pelvic findings could be pelvic congestion.  cystectomy or oophorectomy is a feasible and safe option
          Gelbaya and El-Halwagy  have even labeled the role of  for women with a short hospital stay. Ten patients in our
          laparoscopy in CPP as controversial as in 40% of cases  study underwent laparoscopic cystectomy safely.
          no obvious etiology is found when it is done. However,   Cauterization of endometriotic spots was another
          in a study by Sharma et al,  the commonest finding on  common intervention done in our study group. Seiler et al
          laparoscopy was adhesions in 40%, endometriosis in 18%,  have also concluded in their study that electrocautery
          and pelvic congestion syndrome in 20%, while 10% of  is safe and effective in the treatment of moderate endo-
          patients had normal pelvis.                         metriosis. According to a study by Osuga et al,  minimal/
             Samal et al  studied 100 infertile women who under-  mild endometriosis benefited the most from laparoscopic
          went laparoscopy. Tubal cause was found in 34% cases,  manipulation when tubal adhesions are present.
          ovarian in 27% and peritoneal factor (endometriosis,   Role of laparoscopic salpingectomy for management
          genital TB, adhesions) in 7% cases. Uterine cause was  of ectopic pregnancy has been emphasized in many
          seen in 14% cases and 18% were found to have no obvious  studies till date. 20-22  In our study all three ectopic preg-
          cause. Similar findings were seen in our study where  nancies and one patient with previous tubal ligation
          tubal factor was seen in 32.75% and ovarian in 22.4%.  failure and another with bilateral massive pyosalpinx (not
          In our study, peritoneal factor (25.9%) was much more  responding to medical management) were managed with
          common than uterine factor (3.44%).                 laparoscopic salpingectomy. Seven patients in our study
             Regarding intraoperative findings in patients with  underwent salpingo-oophorectomy and fimbrial dilata-

          previous history of TB, we had two (33.33%) patients  tion was done in one patient who had fimbrial block on
          with adhesions only, two (33.33%) with adhesions along  hysterosalpingography. In four patients, the procedure
          with endometriosis, and hydrosalpinx in another one  had to be converted to open laparotomy in view of dense
          (16.67%) patient. The results were very similar to the  adhesions and difficult approach to pelvic organs.
          study by Sharma et al  in which 85 women with previous
          history of genital TB were studied and various grades   CONCLUSION
          of pelvic adhesions were found in 65.8% patients and
          hydrosalpinx in 17.6% patients.                     Laparoscopy succeeds in detecting many pelvic patholo-
             Of the interventions, the most common procedure   gies which are difficult to diagnose on clinical examina-
          performed during laparoscopy in our study was ovarian   tion. It has strengthened its position as a gold standard
          drilling (12) followed by adhesiolysis in 11 cases and   in evaluation of infertility, CPP, and endometriosis.
          cystectomy and cauterization of endometriotic spots   Management in the same sitting makes it a safe, feasible,
          in ten patients each. A total of 12 patients underwent   economical, and less invasive modality for diagnosis and
          laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) in our study. These   treatment of many gynecological conditions.
          were the cases where either polycystic ovary syndrome
          (PCOS) was incidental finding during laparoscopy or they   REFERENCES
          had anovulatory cycles. Although in a Cochrane database     1.  Fatum M, Laufer N, Simon A. Investigation of the infertile
          review  there was no significant difference in rates of   couple: should diagnostic laparoscopy be performed after
          clinical pregnancy, live birth, or miscarriage in women   normal hysterosalpingography in treating infertility sus-
                                                                  pected of unknown origin? Hum Reprod 2002 Jan;17(1):1-3.
          with clomiphene-resistant PCOS undergoing LOD         2.  ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecology. ACOG
          compared to medical treatment, the decrease in number   Practice Bulletin No. 51. Chronic pelvic pain. Obstet Gynecol
          in multiple pregnancies in patients undergoing LOD      2004 Mar;103(3):589-605.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2016;9(1):13-16                              15
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