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                                                                                         Laparoscopy in Gynecology

          Laparoscopy in Gynecology: Experience

          from a Rural Hospital

          1 Nidhi Bhutani,  Harpreet Kaur,  Sushmita Sharma
          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION
          Introduction: Laparoscopy as a modality for the diagnosis   Laparoscopy as a modality for the diagnosis of pelvic
          of pelvic pathology has been well-established in recent   pathologies has been well-established in recent times.
          times. Besides aiding in diagnosis, it is an important tool for
          management  in  the  same  sitting  preventing  unnecessary   Besides aiding in diagnosis, it is an important tool for
          laparotomy in many cases.                           management in the same sitting preventing unnecessary
                                                              laparotomy in many cases. It has a role both in elective
          Aim: The aim of the article was to know the common indica-   cases and in patients diagnosed with acute abdominal
          tions of performing diagnostic laparoscopy, intraoperative
          findings,  and  various  interventions  done  during  surgery.  It   gynecologic emergencies who are hemodynamically
          was also aimed to highlight the importance of laparoscopy as   stable and can be effectively managed with minimally
          a minimum basic requirement for diagnosing many common  invasive technique.
          pelvic pathologies.                                    Infertility is one of the common indications for diagnos-
          Materials and methods: Indications for laparoscopy, intraop-  tic laparoscopy where it has been suggested as a mandatory
          erative findings, and interventions done during surgery were  step to preclude the existence of peritubal adhesions and
          studied in 75 patients who underwent laparoscopy between  endometriosis as its cause.  Also it is an important tool to
          January 2012 and December 2014 at Gian Sagar Medical   make a diagnosis of unexplained infertility.
          College and Hospital.                                  Besides infertility, the other common indication for
          Results: Maximum number of patients (75; 76%) were in the  diagnostic laparoscopy is chronic pelvic pain (CPP). An
          age group of 21 to 30 years. The main indication for laparoscopy   estimated 4 to 20% of women between the age of 15 and
          was infertility in 58 cases (77.33%) followed by chronic pelvic   45 years suffer from CPP.  According to Gelbaya and
          pain in 4 cases (5.3%). Tubal factor was the commonest cause   4
          of infertility seen in 19 (32.75%) cases. In majority of patients   El-Halwagy,  CPP is the cause for approximately 40% of
          with previous history of tuberculosis, adhesions were found   laparoscopies. To assess the presence of endometriotic
          to be the cause of chronic pain and infertility. Ovarian drilling  lesions in CPP, laparoscopy is the gold standard. 5
          was the most common intervention done in 12 cases and    Our study was aimed to know the common indications
          adhesiolysis in another 11 cases.                   of performing diagnostic laparoscopy, intraoperative
          Conclusion:  Laparoscopy  is  an  essential  intervention  in   findings, and various interventions done during the
          detecting many pelvic pathologies which are difficult to dia-  surgery. Another aim was to highlight the importance
          gnose on clinical examination. Its diagnostic and therapeutic  of laparoscopy as a minimum basic requirement for
          potential has made it a safe, feasible, and less invasive   diagnosing many common pelvic pathologies.
          modality for evaluation of infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and
                                                              MATERIALS AND METHODS
          Keywords: Chronic pelvic pain, Infertility, Laparoscopy.
                                                              This cross-sectional study was carried out in the Depart-
          How to cite this article: Bhutani N, Kaur H, Sharma S.   ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology from January 2012
          Laparoscopy in Gynecology: Experience from a Rural Hospital.   to December 2014 at Gian Sagar Medical College and
          World J Lap Surg 2016;9(1):13-16.
                                                              Hospital, which mainly caters to the rural population.
          Source of support: Nil                                 All patients who underwent elective/emergency
          Conflict of interest: None                          diagnostic laparoscopy irrespective of the indication were
                                                              included in the study. Patients for elective laparoscopic
                                                              hysterectomy, hemodynamically unstable patients, and
            1 Assistant Professor,  Associate Professor       those unfit for procedure because of any medical or sur-
            1-3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gian Sagar   gical condition were excluded from the study. A total of
            Medical College and Hospital, Patiala, Punjab, India  75 patients underwent diagnostic laparoscopy during
                                                              the study period.
            Corresponding Author: Harpreet Kaur, #26-B, Central Govt.
            Officer’s Residence, Sector 38-A Chandigarh-160036, India   After a detailed history and thorough general phy-
            Phone: +919872221818, e-mail: drharpreet_sidhu@hotmail.  sical examination including per speculum and per
                                                              vaginal examination and preanesthetic checkup, a
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2016;9(1):13-16                              13
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