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                                                                              Laparoscopic Appendicectomy in Gombe

                                                                               Fig. 7: Port closure

                                                                 Laparoscopy has long been used by the Department
             Fig. 6: Ligation of the appendix after cauterization of the   of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology  for  the  purpose  of
                                                              investigating infertility. Until recently we had a visiting
                                                              general surgeon who pioneered the procedure in our
                                                              unit. Appendicectomies, though hand assisted, and
                                                              cholecystectomy were done. Now, we have a surgeon who
                                                              has a basic training in minimal access surgery and who
                                                              does most of the surgeries with good outcome.
                                                                 Our experiences correspond with other work done in
                                                              the southeast of Nigeria  and Patel et al  reported a 106
                                                              case series of laparoscopic appendicectomy over a 6-year
                                                              period from 1996 to 2002 from Kenya. Our mean operative
                                                              time is 34.2 minutes. The pain experienced was mild (2.55
                                                              on average) based on visual analog scale (VAS) and that
                                                              is a great advantage of laparoscopic appendicectomy.
                                                              The average hospital stay postoperatively was 22 hours
                       Fig. 8: Five days after operation
                                                              and so early discharge and patients’ satisfactory remarks
                                                              are the hallmark of our joy and experience (Tables 1
             Data extracted on time taken to operate, recover,
          hospital stay, and pain perception were analyzed using   to 5 and Graph 1).
          Microsoft Excel 2010.                               Table 1: Summary of pain experienced based on visual analog scale
                                                                              Operative  Recovery  Pain   Hospital
          RESULTS                                             Sl.   Age       time     time     perception  stay

          Summary of values obtained is given below:          no.   (years) Sex (minutes) (minutes) (VAS)  (hours)
                                                              1     27    M   45       180      2        19
                                                              2     19    F   31       180      2        18
           Sl. no. Parameters                Mean    χ 2      3     18    F   42       210      3        22
           1     Operative time in minutes   34.2    12.10    4     22    M   33       150      3        19
           2     Recovery time in minutes    181     36.15    5     29    F   35       150      3        22
           3     Pain perception (VAS)       2.55    1.96     6     18    F   35       180      2        26
           4     Hospital stay in hours      22.1    4.00     7     18    F   28       180      3 2      23
          VAS: Visual analog scale                            9     27    F   32       180      3        22
                                                              10    20    F   28       180      2        23
          DISCUSSION                                          11    28    M   30       150      3        22
                                                              12    19    F   32       180      3        23
          There is general acceptance of laparoscopic appendi-  13  24    M   38       190      2        24
          cectomy worldwide; however, it is still disputed to be a   14  26  M  33     180      3 2      23
          gold standard in appendicectomy.  The development of   16  17   M   32       180      3        19
          laparoscopy surgery is slow in Nigeria compared with   17  29   F   40       180      2        20
          other developing nations like India. From reports of   18  21   M   36       210      3 3      23
          successes recorded across the globe, it is encouraging to   20  22  M  30    190      2        23
          dedicate resources to establish the services efficiently in   Mean 23.7  34.2  181    2.55     22.1
          our institutions of learning.                       VAS: Visual analog scale
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2016;9(1):17-21                              19
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26