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Oluwole E Ayegbusi
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             However, there is still need for more studies and,   ful treatment of cervical incompetence using a modified
          especially, considering fetal outcomes of laparoscopic   laparoscopic cervical cerclage technique: a cohort study. Eur
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                                                                17.  Fechner AJ, Alvarez M, Smith DH, Al-Khan A. Robotic-
          The author appreciates the authors of all the papers    assisted laparoscopic cerclage in a pregnant patient. Am J
          reviewed as acknowledged in the references. The author   Obstet Gynecol 2009;200:e10-e11.
          is particularly grateful to the entire staff of World Lapa-    18.  Carter JF, Soper DE, Goetzl LM, Van Dorsten JP. Abdomi-
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          of a wonderful teacher, Professor RK Mishra.            ficiency: laparoscopy or laparotomy? Am J Obstet Gynecol
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