Page 38 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 38

Oluwole E Ayegbusi
          with cerclage placed via laparoscopy both in pregnant   For the nonpregnant uterus, a solution with vasopres-
          and nonpregnant phases. 5, 11-13                    sin (VasopressineR 20 Units/1 mL, American Regent Inc.,
             The objectives of this review are to:            Shirly, New York, diluted in 50 cc 0.9% NaCl) is injected
          •  Ascertain the advantages of laparoscopic cerclage over  under the peritoneum of the uterovesical reflection and
             conventional laparotomy cerclage;                lateral of the lower uterus. This facilitates the bloodless
          •  Review the safety of laparoscopic cerclage over con-  separation of the bladder from the cervix.
             ventional laparotomy cerclage;                   Step 2: Creation of windows in the broad ligament
          •  Briefly describe the procedure of laparoscopic trans-  Subsequently, branches of the uterine artery and
             abdominal cerclage.                              vein are identified, so that the cardinal ligament can
                                                              be perforated from anterior to posterior by a straight
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               atraumatic clamp in an avascular area on the median
                                                              side of the uterine vessels on both sites. The instru-
          Searches in the literature on laparoscopic cervical cerclage
          were conducted via PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE,   ment is guided in such a way that the perforation at the
          Medline, and Cochrane library database. No language   posterior side is medially located from the uterosacral
          restriction was applied to the searches.            ligament.
                                                              Step 3: Placement of suture material through the broad
          Procedure of Laparoscopic Cerclage                  ligament windows.
                                                                 A polyester tape (5 mm width MersileneR, Ethicon,
          Laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage is commonly    Johnson and Johnson), the needles removed, is passed
          performed in a nonpregnant state.                   into the pelvis and pulled through the holes with both

                                                              free ends of the tape at the anterior side. Because the
                                                              windows are medially located from the uterosacral
          Under general anesthesia, the patient is placed in dorsal  ligament on both sides and a small purchase of cervical
          lithotomy position. After inserting a Foley catheter in the  tissue is taken, there is no need for further anchoring
          urinary bladder and a uterine manipulator (for patients that  of the suture on the uterus. Therefore, the needles are
          are not pregnant), a subumbilical incision for the laparo-  redundant and can be removed.
          scope is made by using the closed Verres technique. Two  Step 4: Securing the cerclage by knots
          more trocars at the right and left lower abdominal quad-  Finally, three knots are made in the tape at the anterior
          rants are placed, after insufflating with appropriate CO  gas.  side of the uterus resulting in a tension-free loop around
          Step 1: Development of the paravesical and vesicouterine  the cervix above the insertion of the uterosacral ligament
          spaces.                                             (Figs 1A to D).

                         A                                    B

                         C                                    D
                          Figs 1A to D: The cerclage can be seen passing on the posterior side of the cervix, medially
                                     of the uterosacral ligaments with the knot on the anterior side
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