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Laparoscopic Retrieval of Contraceptive Device
                                                               non-lactating women.  Hypoestrogenic state with consequent
                                                               thinning of the wall of uterus and accelerated involution of the
                                                               uterus during the period of lactation could have been most likely
                                                               the causes of perforation in our first patient.
                                                                  Uterine perforations are reported to mainly occur in the early
                                                               post-insertion period, specifically during the immediate 6 months,
                                                               but there have been case reports of perforation seen several years
                                                               after insertion.  Subsequently, the IUCD can migrate into the
                                                               neighboring organs or the abdominal cavity. Trauma during the
                                                               insertion procedure itself, and along with the effect of chronic
                                                               inflammatory reaction that causes erosion of the device through
                                                               the uterine wall, can be thought to be the mechanism of IUCD
                                                               migration. Delayed symptoms are presumed to be secondary
                                                               migration with associated inflammatory process. Movements of
                                                               the omentum may be a reason of migration of the IUCD to an
                                                               adjacent organ. Migration can also be due to the growing uterus in
                                                               unintended pregnancies and tubal ectopic pregnancy. The various
            Fig. 2: Nova-T type intrauterine contraceptive device embedded in the   locations where the perforated IUCDs have been found include the
            left mesovarium between the ovary and tube         omentum (in 26.7%), pouch of Douglas (in 21.5%), lumen of the
                                                               colon (in 10.4%), uterine myometrium (in 7.4%), broad ligament (in
            subsequently grasped and removed. The procedure was uneventful   6.7%), free within the abdominal cavity (in 5.2%), serosa of small
            and the patient was discharged the next day.       intestine (in 4.4%), serosa of the colon (in 3.7%), and mesentery
                                                               (in 3%).  The perforated IUCDs have also been found migrated to
            Case 2                                             the stomach,  colon, 8–10  bladder, 11,12  retroperitoneum,  and even
            A 39-year-old para 5 with 4 living issues presented with severe   next to the iliac vein.  The location of the IUCD in our second
            chronic pelvic pain and deep dyspareunia for the last 2 months.   patient, embedded in the mesovarium, appears to be particularly
            She had an IUCD inserted one and a half years ago toward the end   uncommon.
            of the menstrual cycle. On per speculum examination, the IUCD   Some of the patients have symptoms and/or signs suggestive of
            thread was not seen. By ultrasonographic examination, the IUCD   perforation such as difficulty with the insertion procedure, resulting
            could not be localized inside the uterine cavity. Plain X-ray was   in pain or vaginal bleeding but others may remain asymptomatic
            performed and it showed the IUCD toward the left side of the pelvis   for years. Therefore, perforation should be suspected whenever the
            outside the uterus. Laparoscopic removal of the IUCD was planned.   woman presents with an unintentional pregnancy or has come for
            The procedure was performed as mentioned above in Case 1. On   removal of the IUCD and on examination, the thread cannot be seen.
            laparoscopy, Nova-T type IUCD was seen in the pelvis embedded   Ultrasonography is preferred as a first-line radiological investigation,
            in the left mesovarium between the ovary and the tube (Fig. 2).   to locate the IUCD. When an ultrasound is inconclusive, plain
            The IUCD was grasped and gently removed without complication.   anteroposterior abdominal X-ray is usually performed, to confirm
            She had uneventful recovery and was discharged home same day.  if the device is in the pelvis. A suspected visceral involvement
                                                               may need further evaluations with computerized tomography or
            dIscussIon                                         magnetic resonance imaging. 15
                                                                  Once confirmed that the IUCD is outside the uterus, the decision
            During the insertion of IUCDs, perforation of the uterine wall is an   to leave it alone or intervene to remove the device must be made. In
            uncommon but a very serious complication. The IUCD is usually   symptomatic patients, as in both cases presented here, all clinicians
            known to perforate either the fundus, body of the uterus, or wall   agreed that IUCD surgical removal should be performed. However,
            of the cervix. Uterine perforation can be complete or only partial.   in asymptomatic patients, there still remains a controversy.
            A complete perforation is when all uterine layers (endometrium,   Markovitch et al. advocated that, although in symptomatic patients
            myometrium, and serosa) are perforated, as in both the cases   perforated IUCD should be removed surgically, in asymptomatic
            described here. Less commonly, a partial perforation occurs, where   patients, under certain situations, conservative management may
            the IUCD penetrates only the myometrial layer of the uterine wall.   be of benefit.  The World Health Organization (WHO), however,
            While the primary cause is usually idiopathic, uterine perforation   has recommended that any displaced IUCDs should be removed,
            can be associated with operator inexperience, IUCD, and patient-  so as to prevent complications secondary to intraperitoneal
            related factors. The design and structural characteristics of the   adhesion formation or migration into surrounding organs.  Demir
            IUCD together with the nature and rigidness or malleability of   et al. reported that, in cases of intra-abdominally displaced IUCD,
            the inserter are the IUCD-related factors. Patient-related factors   laparoscopic removal must be the preferred choice.  Grimaldo
            include the parity, size of the uterus and position (acutely   Arriaga et al. also encouraged immediate removal of the IUCD
            anteflexed or retroflexed uterus), undiagnosed pregnant uterus,   from the peritoneal cavity either by laparotomy or laparoscopy,
            timing of the insertion (early in the postpartum period, lactation,   along with prophylactic antimicrobials for colon preparation before
            or postabortion), former uterine operations, and congenital   elective surgery, as IUCD translocated to the peritoneal cavity may
            uterine or cervical anomalies are all important determinants of   incite peritoneal or omental adhesions, uterocutaneous fistula,
            potential perforation. In a case–control analysis, lactating women   volvulus, and bowel perforation, which may lead to a significant
            had >10-fold risk of perforation at the time of IUCD insertion than   morbidity. 19

                                                        World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 2 (May–August 2020)  85
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