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Laparoscopic Retrieval of a Displaced IUD

                                                               Fig. 2: Intraoperative image showing retrieval of IUD

                                                               were excluded. With advances in laparoscopy, these situations are
                                                               being increasingly managed with minimally invasive techniques.
                                                               Moreover, it is now considered as the first line of treatment in
                                                               patients with a suspected migrated IUD. 2,6,8  Laparotomy has many
                                                               disadvantages, such as longer period of hospitalization, bigger scar
                                                               formation, and has limited view during the surgery. Laparoscopy
            Fig. 1: X-ray abdomen showing displaced IUD at level of umbilicus  can overcome all these drawbacks and provide safe approach for
                                                               dealing such cases.
            can be caused by traumatic insertion and chronic inflammation
            leading to erosion of uterine wall. Several factors may augment  conclusion
            this migration which includes experience of operator, timing of   Intrauterine contraceptive devices are the most popular form
            insertion, congenital uterine anomalies, parity, and the position   of reversible contraception. Uterine perforation following IUD
            of the uterus.  Intrauterine device insertion should be avoided   insertion is a rare but potentially serious complication. Accurate
            during early postpartum period, in lactating mothers and just after   preoperative localization of displaced IUD is obligatory and
            abortion as uterus is in the state of involution.  helpful. Current practice is to surgically remove all displaced IUDs.
               A literature review by Gill et al. stated that displaced IUDs have   Laparoscopic approach appears to be safe with advantage of faster
            been found in many locations, most common being omentum   recovery and good cosmesis.
            (26.7%), followed by pouch of Douglas, colonic lumen, myometrium,
            broad ligament, free within the abdomen, and small bowel serosa.    clinicAl significAnce

            In the present article, site of dislocation was just below umbilicus,
            in-between omental adhesion. Migrated IUD leads to foreign body   Our article will provide insight in erratic presentation of
            reaction, thereby causing subumbilical inflammation and serous   displaced IUD and further augment the role of laparoscopy in the
            discharge.                                         management of such cases.
               Diagnosis is accomplished mainly by gynecological examination,
            ultrasound, and abdominal X-ray. CT scan is not necessary in all  Acknowledgment
            cases but it provides precise information, especially relation of IUD   To Dr (Prof) Prasanna Kumar Reddy for his guidance and motivation
            with migrated organ.  As all IUDs are radiopaque, plane abdominal   in preparation of this article.
            radiography is the preliminary method of evaluation. Precise
            location of IUD preoperatively with appropriate imaging will help   references
            in surgical planning and also predict the complexity of surgery.
               The management of intraperitoneal IUDs in asymptomatic     1.  Ingec M, Kumtepe Y, Kadanali S, et al. A rare case of ileal embedding
            patients is somewhat controversial. The World Health Organization   by an intrauterine device. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care
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            recommended that displaced IUDs should always be removed to     2.  Sharifiaghdas F, Mohammad Ali Beigi F, Abdi H. Laparoscopic removal
            prevent possible complications that can occur due to intraperitoneal   of a migrated intrauterine device. Urol J 2007;4(3):177–179.
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               The standard management for a migrated intrauterine   migrated intrauterine contraceptive device. J Inst Obstet Gynaecol
            contraceptive device (IUCD) is surgical removal, either open   2010;30(3):317–319. DOI: 10.3109/01443610903585200.
            or via laparoscopic approach. A review article by Mosley et al.     4.  Ohana E, Sheiner E, Leron E, et al. Appendix perforation by an
            revealed that majority (93.0%) of reported cases were attempted   intrauterine contraceptive device. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
            laparoscopically; however, 22.5% of these were converted to open   2000;88(2):129–131. DOI: 10.1016/S0301-2115(99)00142-6.
            procedures.  The rate of conversion was found to vary according to     5.  Zeino MY, Wietfeldt ED, Advani V, et al. Laparoscopic removal
                                                                    of a copper intrauterine device from the sigmoid colon. JSLS
            the site of the displaced IUD. However, it must be noted that their   2011;15(4):568–570. DOI: 10.4293/108680811X13176785204661.
            review only included cases in which the IUD was located within     6.  Shin DG, Kim TN, Lee W. Intrauterine device embedded into the
            the peritoneal cavity; cases with penetration into adjacent organs   bladder wall with stone formation: laparoscopic removal is a

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