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Comparison Objective Structured Assessment of Camera Navigation Skills Score—Pre- and Post-training Intervention
Table 4: Correlation between age, gender, level of laparoscopic education, and level of experience to camera navigation skill difference
pre- and post-training
Skill difference
Median Minimum Maximum p value
Age <31 years 3.00 −1.00 6.50 0.893
≥31 years 3.50 −4.00 6.50
Gender Male 3.00 −1.00 5.50 0.041
Female 2.50 −4.00 6.50
Level of laparoscopic None 2.75 −4.00 6.50 0.051
education Level I 3.50 2.50 5.50
Level of laparoscopic Low 3.00 −4.00 6.50 0.030
experience Average 3.50 2.50 5.50
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