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Comparison Objective Structured Assessment of Camera Navigation Skills Score—Pre- and Post-training Intervention
in a simulated setting have been recognized by general surgery effort, value/usefulness, felt pressure and tension, and perceived
residency training programs. 1,4,5 choice while performing a given activity, thus yielding six subscale
Live operating theaters should not be the place to start learning scores. Meta-analytic study by Scheifele and Krapp about the impact
surgical skills but rather to consolidate them. Gynecologist should of student interest to learning achievement showed there was other
reach competency before operating on a live patient. This may factors that could influence good learning achievement. These factors
be achieved by training on dry and wet laboratory. Assessment were motivational factors. Peyton’s four-step approach is becoming
of trainees at the end of a laparoscopic course should cover both more prevalent in medical education. Peyton’s four-step approach
knowledge and skills. It can appear overwhelming for a surgical consists of the following four clearly defined instructional steps: (1)
novice to assist during surgery for the first time, and the unfamiliar The teacher demonstrates the skill at his normal pace without any
environment can assumedly compromise focus on the role as an comments (“Demonstration”); (2) The teacher repeats the procedure,
assistant. 9 this time describing all necessary substeps (“Deconstruction”); (3) The
In our study, all samples did not have any interest to laparoscopy student has to explain each substep while the teacher follows the
before the training. And, all of the samples showed level of student’s instructions (“Comprehension”); (4) The student performs
knowledge below than 90. Therefore, we did not proceed further the complete skill on his own (“Performance”). This Peyton’s four-
analysis for correlation to camera navigation skill after training. On step approach explained contradictive result of low knowledge level
the contrary, we revealed significant difference of OSA CNS score. but there was increase of camera navigation skill after training used
The IMI is a multidimensional measurement device intended to pelvic box in this study. Demonstration and deconstruction appear
assess participants subjective experience related to a target activity as important factor in transfer of camera navigation knowledge and
in laboratory experiments. It has been used in several experiments skill in this research. 11
related to intrinsic motivation and self-regulation. The instrument Study by Nilsson stated that the technical aspects of camera
assesses participants’ interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, navigation skills improve after simulation-based training, but they
Fig. 3: OSA CNS evaluation
World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 2 (May–August 2020) 71