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Comparison Objective Structured Assessment of Camera Navigation Skills Score—Pre- and Post-training Intervention
            laparoscopic education, level of laparoscopic experience, and level   level V. Experience level classified as low, average, and superior.
            of laparoscopic knowledge were factors related to training outcome   Laparoscopic knowledge was based on Websurg Winner Project
            based on fundamental laparoscopic surgery curriculum. 5  questionnaire that focused on laparoscopic camera equipment
               The aim of this study is to investigate the comparison of camera   and anatomy landmark. The outcome is ≥90 (good) and <90 (poor).
            laparoscopy navigation skill based on OSA CNS before and after   Interest to laparoscopy measure by Intrinsic Motivation Inventory
            the training, and to explore correlation between age, gender,   (IMI) Scale, divided to interested in (score >6) and not interested
            interest, level of laparoscopic education, level of laparoscopic   in (score ≤6).
            experience, and level of laparoscopic knowledge to difference of   Initial camera navigation evaluation performed used adult
            camera navigation skills after the training. It was novel research   pelvic box; laparoscopy camera manufactured by B-Braun (Fig. 1). All
            due to limited study focused on laparoscopy training program for   these navigations were recorded. Laparoscopy camera navigation
            residency curriculum, especially for camera navigation. In practical   training done for about 2 hours. Samples train about laparoscopy
            setting, camera navigation in teaching hospital often perform by   camera equipment, how to do appropriate camera navigation,
            resident and play an important role to support safety laparoscopic   and practice used pelvic box. Post-training evaluation was used
            procedure.                                         the same task of pre-training evaluation (Fig. 2). Evaluation done
                                                               in 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks after training. Assessment tool
            MAterIAls And Methods                              used OSA CNS, consist of five field of evaluation: view completion,

                                                               horizontal alignment, scope orientation, instrument collision, and
            Study design was experimental study (pre–post interventional   autonomy (Fig. 3). Each item with range score 1–5. This evaluation
            study) conducted at the training room of  Indonesia Clinical   performed by two Oncology Gynecology Consultants who are
            Training and Education Centre (ICTEC) Faculty of Medicine   as advanced laparoscopy trainer. Data are tabulated and analysis
            Universitas Indonesia-Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH),   used paired-t test of SPSS statistics 20. Flowchart of the research
            on November 2018 to January 2019. Participants were resident of   is in Flowchart 1.
            Obstetrics and Gynecology at basic level and work in operating
            theater. Inclusion criteria were member of residents of Obstetrics   results
            and Gynecology, and willing to sign acceptance letter. Exclusion
            criteria were unable to attend whole research procedure. Sample   Patient characteristic shows in Table 1. Interest to laparoscopy
            size was 23 samples, use formula:                  and level of laparoscopic knowledge are not further analysis for
                                       Z SD 
                                   ( Z + )  2                 correlation to difference skill after training. It caused by homogeny
                           n = n =   ±  ²  
                                                                  All of OSA CNS scores after training show significance difference
                                     ( X − )    ,          compared to before training score. Three weeks duration after
               Z  = 95% = 1.96; Z  = 80% = 1.24; SD = 0.5 (Nilsson); X  − X  =   training reveal best optimum time to evaluate camera navigation

            0.3. Samples collection used consecutive technique method.  skill after training (Table 2). Table 3 points out the difference score
               All samples filling in questionnaire about personal data (age,   between three times of evaluation. Table 4 presents gender and
            gender, level of residency), level of laparoscopic education, level   level experience are two factors correlated to difference skill after
            of laparoscopic experience, and level of laparoscopic knowledge.   training.
            Level of laparoscopic education and laparoscopic experience were
            based on fundamentals laparoscopic surgery criteria. Educational   dIscussIon
            level categorized as none, level I, level II, level III, level IV, and
                                                               Surgical simulation teaching has become an important training
                                                               component for many residency programs across all surgical
                                                               disciplines. After SAGES launched the FLS program in 2004, the
                                                               American College of Surgeons (ACS) joined SAGES in 2005 for a
                                                               joint educational effort to establish standards for fundamental
                                                               skills and knowledge necessary to care for patients undergoing
                                                               laparoscopic surgery. The growing number of minimally invasive
                                                               procedures and the need to teach and assess these procedures

            Fig. 1: Pelvic box and laparoscopic camera         Figs 2A and B: Camera navigation task in the pelvic box

             70   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 2 (May–August 2020)
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