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Comparison Objective Structured Assessment of Camera Navigation Skills Score—Pre- and Post-training Intervention

            Flowchart 1: Flow diagram of the research          Table 3: OSA CNS score after training
                                                                                                    n      %
                                                                1-week post-training  Increase      18     78.3
                                                                                  Decrease-stable    5     21.7
                                                                2-week post-training  Increase      17     73.9
                                                                                  Decrease-stable    6     26.1
                                                                3-week post-training  Increase      19     82.6
                                                                                  Decrease-stable    4     17.4

                                                               could not find a significant difference when examining transfer
                                                               to the OR.  Systematic review by Zendejas et al. showed that
                                                               virtual simulator training and box training result same outcome of
                                                               effectiveness laparoscopic skill transfer. Box trainer provides better
                                                               satisfaction and more time concise.  Loukas et al. also revealed
                                                               same result in their study. Virtual simulator and pelvic box are
                                                               equal in laparoscopic skill transfer, i.e., cutting, object transfer,
                                                               and suturing. 13
                                                                  Others interest result in this study, we obtained about 21.7,
                                                               26.1, and 17.4% samples achieve decrease-stable OSA CNS score
                                                               1, 2, and 3 weeks after training, respectively. As aim of training,
                                                               this decrease-stable score is an unexpected outcome. Study by
                                                               Stucky et al. to evaluate surgeon’s work-related symptoms revealed
                                                               laparoscopy surgeons are significantly more likely to experience
                                                               musculoskeletal symptoms than surgeons performing surgery.
                                                               Back pain, neck pain, and arm/shoulder pain are the most anatomy
                                                               site of musculoskeletal.  In other study by Huang and McGlothlin,
                                                               concentration is an integral component of ergonomic condition
                                                               in laparoscopy. Good concentration is parallel to optimal physical
                                                               condition in laparoscopy.  In our study, fatigue factor probably
            Table 1: Samples characteristic                    factor lead to decrease-stable OSA CNS score.
            Characteristics                        Description    We revealed female gender and low laparoscopic experience
            Age                                    29 ± 3.02   are correlated to low OSA CNS score after training. Donnon et al.
              <31 years                            16 (69.6%)  in their study showed men are having good visuospatial skill than
              ≥31 years                            7 (30.4%)   women in case of camera navigation and suturing. Laparoscopy
                                                               needs good capability to interpret intra-abdominal three-
            Gender                                             dimensional to two-dimensional image on the monitor.  White
              Male                                 15 (65.2%)  and Welch in their study about correlation gender to laparoscopic
              Female                               8 (34.8%)   skill mentioned the difference between men and women was
            Interest                                           occurring before training. Female recommended one-on-one
              Not interest                         23 (100%)   instruction as the most important strategy of completing training
            Level of laparoscopic education                    outcome. 16
              None                                 16 (69.6%)     Laparoscopic experiences are important factor to gain
              Level I                              7 (30.4%)   laparoscopic skill after training. This achievement related to
                                                               exposure to laparoscopy before the training started. Louridas et
            Level of laparoscopic knowledge                    al. forwarded that experience was factor correlated to accomplish
              Score <90                            23 (100%)   successful laparoscopy training outcome.  As Dawe et al. stated
            Level of laparoscopic experience                   laparoscopic skill of camera navigation and colonoscopy are related
              Low                                  18 (78.3%)  to previous experience. 18
              Average                              5 (21.7%)      Limitation of this study where we did not compare between
                                                               training used pelvic box and virtual simulation. We thought it was
                                                               necessary to know effectively both of training modality in case of
            Table 2: OSA CNS score pre- and post-training      preparation all laparoscopic training tools for residency program.
            OSA CNS score  Average ± SD  p value  Difference   Other limitation in our study was did not consider fatigue as
            Pre          15.00 ± 2.03  Reference  Reference    confounding factor.
                                                                  Even with all the limitations, we feel a simulation program
            Post I       17.60 ± 2.69  <0.001   2.5 (−5 until 8.5)  focused on teaching fundamental principles and techniques of
            Post II      16.36 ± 1.84  0.011    2 (−3 until 5.5)  camera navigation in laparoscopic is a critical component for
            Post III     17.80 ± 2.26  <0.001   3 (−4 until 6.5)  teaching safe endoscopic practices in our Ob/Gyn residency

             72   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 2 (May–August 2020)
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