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Laparoscopy-assisted Approach for Meckel’s Diverticulum in Pediatric Age

            Fig. 1: Meckel’s diverticulum with its tip attached to the cecum  Fig. 2: Meckel’s diverticulum exteriorized from the umbilicus

            Table 1: Demographic data and presentations
                                   Number          Percentage
            Mean age                 8.3 years
            Male                   11              64.7
            Female                   6             35.2
            Rectal bleeding        11              64.7
            Acute appendicitis       3             17.6
            Intestinal obstruction    2            11.7
            Chronic abdominal pain    1              5.8
            Meckel’s scan          13              76.4
            CT                       3             17.6
            Abd US                   4             23.5

            was 8.3 years (range 5–14 years). The ratio of male to female was
            11:6 (Table 1).                                    Fig. 3: Meckel’s diverticulum forming inflammatory mass attached to
               All patients were operated by a laparoscopy-assisted excision.   the cecum
            Four patients underwent wedge excision and 13 patients
            underwent segmental bowel resection, in 1 patient, the resection   The median hospital stay was 3.8 days (range 4–7 days).
            of the diverticulum was performed with a linear stapler. Eleven
            patients had painless rectal bleeding, while one had chronic   dIscussIon
            abdominal pain, and the CT study showed cystic mass attached to   Recently, the use of laparoscopy in pediatric surgery has much
            the umbilicus. Three patients were presented by picture similar to   more increased. 7,8
            acute appendicitis and CT showed picture of acute appendicitis with   Complicated MD can be presented at any age. Infants and
            dilated bowel loop in these cases the tip of the MD was inflamed   children are at highest risk, and >50% of symptomatic Meckel’s
            and attached to the cecum and compressing the bowel (Fig. 3),   diverticula occurring in children <2 years. Also, younger children
            and in one case the tip was perforated and forming inflammatory   (<4 years) are most commonly present with obstruction, as opposed
            mass around the cecum (Fig. 4) and two patients were presented   to older patients who tend to present with bleeding. 9
            by intestinal obstruction (Fig. 5).                   In our study, the most common presentation was bleeding
               Meckel’s scan was performed for 13 cases and was sensitive   and, the median age at diagnosis was 5.4 years (range 5–14 years).
            in 82.3% (Fig. 6).                                 In a study performed by Palanivelu et al.,  the age ranges from 6
               The mean operative time was 71.4 minutes (ranges from 65   to 43 years. Also, Rho et al.  reported an age ranges from 7 days
            to 115 minutes). There was no intraoperative or postoperative   to 19 years.
            complications, except for one patient, whose initial exploration   Tc99m pertechnetate scan has been the investigation of choice
            was negative but the patient rebleed again after discharge and   in children with MD containing heterotopic gastric mucosa (HGM).
            readmitted and diagnostic laparoscopy was repeated and the MD   Premedication with histamine-2 blockers or proton-pump inhibitors
            was identified and resected. Two patients had low-grade fever   has been described to increase the diagnostic accuracy of the scan,
            on the second day that was from minor atelectasis and resolved   the reported sensitivity of the Meckel’s scan ranges from 60 to 90%
            spontaneously with conservative treatment (Table 2).  with the specificity ranges from 90 to 98%. 10,11
               Histopathology of the specimens showed ectopic gastric   Menezes et al.  published a retrospective study and assessed
            mucosa in 12 patients, and focal ulceration in 4 of them (Table 3).  the sensitivity of the Meckel’s scan in patients with severe GIT
             66   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 2 (May–August 2020)
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