Page 55 - WJOLS - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 55

R Meenakshi Menon
          •   Bilateral internal iliac artery ligation and dilation and  progression toward the bladder is seen. Bladder is dis-
             extraction under laparoscopic guidance           sected down, and excision of uterine scar is done with
          •  Selective uterine artery embolization (UAE) + D&C  repair of defect in uterus.
             and MTX                                             Laparoscopic management is done by local injection of
          •  Transvaginal resection                           vasopressin followed by an incision over the bulge after
          •  Hysteroscopy                                     reflecting the bladder, thereafter enucleating the sac and
             A systematic review of the above management options   retrieval in an endobag. The uterine incision is sutured.
          was done by Petersen et al  focusing on efficacy and com-  Bipolar is used for hemostasis. Some surgeons also make
          plications related with each method in 2,037 cases, where
          it was found that laparoscopy had 97.1% success rate with   a bilateral uterine artery ligation at the start of surgery
          no severe complications. Rest of the management options   to minimize blood loss (Fig. 2).
          had a variable success rate. Least success was seen with
          expectant management of 41.5% with a complication of  ALTERNATIVES
          53.7%. Maximum success was noted with high-intensity
          focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation of 100% with no com-  Hysteroscopy was also considered an option, but addi-
          plications, but only 16 cases were studied as compared   tional treatment was required in 17% of cases. Hystero-
          with 69 cases who underwent laparoscopy.            scopic management of CSP has benefits over local and
             Majority of the reviewed articles in this study were   systemic MTX with normalization of β-human chorionic
          case reports, which was a major limitation in providing   gonadotropin level more rapidly and decrease in follow-
          conclusions. Also, there was no consensus on individual-  up time according to a retrospective cohort study con-
          izing treatment strategy based on type of CSP or thick-  ducted by Deans and Abott  in Sydney (Fig. 3).
          ness of intervening myometrium. 5                      In a study done by Pan and Liu,  hysteroscopy under
             Successful laparoscopic resection of CSP was first  laparoscopic guidance was preferred in cases with myome-
          reported by Lee et al. 6                            trial thickness less than 3 mm to avoid the risk of uterine
                                                              perforation and bladder injury. Also, additional advantage
                                                              of performing a laparoscopy concomitantly helps in resec-
          In the review done by Birch Petersen et al,  laparoscopy  tion and repair in case of perforation of scar site (Table 1
          was done under general anesthesia where CSP with  and Fig. 4). 10

                    A                                          B

                    C                                          D
                                     Figs 2A to D: Laparoscopic view of cesarean scar pregnancy
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