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                                                                              Laparoscopy in Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

           A                                                  B
                                              Figs 3A and B: Incision on the bulge

            Table 1: Treatment modalities in Cesarean scar pregnancy  segment, which is very important for future pregnancy
                                                 Severe       outcomes.
                                  Cases  Success  complication   Medical management leaves the scar behind which
           Method of treatment    (n)    rate (%)  rate (%)   can predispose to recurrence and also requires strict
           Expectant management   41     41.5    53.7         adherence to monitoring by ultrasound and hormone
           Systemic MTX           339    75.2    13                 12
           Needle aspiration + MTX/KCl 148  84.5  13.5        profile.
           Hysteroscopy           95     83.2    3.2             Laparoscopy helps to confirm the diagnosis, removal
           Selective UAE without MTX  295  93.6  3.4          of scar ectopic under better visualization, repair of defect,
           UAE + D&C + hysteroscopy  85  95.4    1.2          as well as preservation of reproductive capacity.  Use of
           UAE + MTX              427    68.6    2.8          vasopressin intraoperatively and suturing can minimize
           Local + systemic MTX   34     76.5    2.3          chances of hemorrhage and allow safe removal of ectopic
           Local MTX              74     64.9    4.1          with multilayer closure of uterine defect. 14
           Transvaginal resection  118   99.2    0.9             Based on a review of literature by Api et al,  they
           D&C                    243    48.1    21           concluded that laparoscopy has an edge over hysteros-
           Laparoscopy            69     97.1    0
           Repeated HIFU ablation  16    100     0            copy with respect to repair of cesarean scar defect as it
           HIFU + hysteroscopic suction  53  100  0           increases uterine wall thickness when compared with
           curettage                                          repair by hysteroscopic approach which does not help in
                                                              reducing the potential risk of scar dehiscence or rupture
                                                              in subsequent pregnancies.
                                                                 In a case report published by Mahgoub et al  from
                                                              a study conducted in Starsbourg, France, enucleation of
                                                              ectopic mass was done with isthmocoele treatment with
                                                              no complications, intraoperative blood loss of less than
                                                              100 mL, and discharge of patient on day 3.

                                                              From the studies reviewed, treatment of CSP should be
                                                              individualized with choice of management based on pre-
                                                              venting severe complications and conservation of fertility.
                                                              With facilities for laparoscopy readily available, it should
                                                              be considered as a good option for management of CSP.
          Fig. 4: Uterine scar repair by endo-suturing after enucleation of sac  In centers where facilities and skills are there, HIFU is
                                                              also an effective alternative but limited by availability.
                                                                 Limitation in this area is that many of the reviewed
             According to a literature review by Fuchs et al,  the   articles are case reports. Well-designed multicentric ran-
          laparoscopic approach in management of CSP is safe   domized controlled trials are required before any conclu-
          and effective with minimal blood loss. It also gives an   sion is made regarding best method of management. Until
          excellent visualization of the pathology at hand and   then, evidence-based treatment is followed with individu-
          permits a good  reconstruction  of the  lower  uterine   alization of cases also taking into account surgeon’s skills
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2017;10(3):135-138                     137
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