Page 18 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 18

Meenakshi E Yeola et al.
             presence of otherwise undetectable peritoneal meta-  by preoperative assessment of thoracic and abdominal
             stasis.                                          lymph nodes. 19
          •  Diagnosis of locally advanced disease (fixed tumor   Krasna et al.  reported on similar diagnostic accuracy
             or vascular invasion) where no evident distant meta-  for thoracoscopic and laparoscopic staging procedures
             stasis is found.                                 (93% and 94%, respectively). Celiac lymph nodes were
          •  Development of tailor-suited palliative treatment in  missed by standard non-invasive techniques in six of 20
             patients with advanced or metastatic disease catering  patients, who underwent laparoscopy and thoracoscopy.
             to the requirements.                                Watt et al.  comparatively evaluated the accuracies of
          •  For assessment of treatment response or disease pro-  laparoscopy, sonography and computerized tomography
             gression before a definitive laparotomy.         in detection of intra-abdominal metastases in patients
             A detailed discussion of the utility of staging laparo-  diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and adenocarcinoma
          scopy for individual cancer types is beyond the scope of   of the cardia. Laparoscopy had a noteworthy higher
          this article; however, a brief overview is provided below.  significance and accuracy (sensitivity 88%; specificity
                                                              100%; accuracy 96%) than sonography or CT, with regard
          Esophageal Cancer                                   to hepatic status. Peritoneal masses were not detected by
          Presentation of Esophageal cancer is often accompanied  sonography or CT, while those were correctly identified
          by locally advanced tumors, as well as lymph nodes and  by laparoscopy in eight of nine patients before surgery
          distant metastases, which is a predictor of a poor prog-  with no false-positives and one false-negative result,
          nosis. Studies suggest that preoperative chemotherapy  giving a sensitivity of 89%, specificity of 100%, and
          and radiation followed by surgical resection has been  accuracy of 98%.
          shown to improve survival, however, as with other gastro-  An additional study by Dagnini et al.  supports
          intestinal malignancies, preoperative imaging may point  laparoscopy as an effective procedure in the staging of
          towards a resectable tumor even though a significant  esophageal cancer before the therapeutic intervention,
          percentage of esophageal cancers (20–65%) are found  with false-negative findings estimated at 4.4%.
          unresectable at the time of exploratory laparotomy.
             There is a significant value of diagnostic laparoscopy   Gastric Cancer
          in staging oesophageal cancer because of its utility in the
          identification of patients who may or may not be likely to   Neoadjuvant chemotherapy preceding definitive surgical
          benefit from preoperative chemotherapy, therefore avoid-  resection has improved survival among gastric cancer
          ing unnecessary laparotomy or thoracotomy which may   patients with tumors (T3-T4N1), as reported by studies.
          have eventually yielded negative findings.             In those trials, the benefit of survival was derived by
             Placement of feeding tubes can be performed at the   gastric cancer patients with locally advanced tumors or
          same time as the staging laparoscopy, to improve the   lymph node metastases; however, the 5-year survival
          nutritional status of these patients and to prevent the   rate is poor in the presence of unresectable disease or
          need for additional, technically difficult procedures like   disseminated metastases (<20%). Hence, it is vital to
          percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). 4,14     identify patients of gastric cancer who may benefit from
             Staging laparoscopy has shown an accuracy of     neoadjuvant chemotherapy and those with advanced
          75–80% in identification of peritoneal metastasis with   or metastatic tumors who are not likely to benefit from
          sensitivity and specificity of 64% and 70% compared to   therapeutic laparotomy. 24
          ultrasonography (40–50%) and computerized tomogra-     Several investigators reported that diagnostic lapa-
          phy (45–60%). Addition of LUS and video thoracoscopy   roscopy has an accuracy of 89 to 100% for staging, aids
          has shown to improve the utility of diagnostic laparos-  in the identification of occult metastasis or unresectable
          copy in oesophageal cancer. 16                      disease, and helps to avoid nontherapeutic laparotomy in
             Lymph node staging is an important independent  13 to 57% of gastric patients despite a negative preopera-
          indicator of prognosis in patients with oesophageal  tive imaging workup. 25,26
          cancer. Metastasis to thoracic lymph nodes is unvaryingly   There has been reported uniquely high sensitivity (90
          involved because of lymph node spread, despite the level  to 96%) of diagnostic laparoscopy for identifying metas-
          of the primary tumor.                               tasis to liver, peritoneum, and lymph nodes as compared
             Hagen et al.  showed improved survival for patients  with either ultrasonography (23–37%) or CT (28–52%).
          undergoing complete lymphadenectomy associated with  Diagnostic laparoscopy with the US further improves
          oesophagectomy for distal third and gastroesophageal  identification of liver metastasis and peritoneal lavage
          junction tumors. Appropriate therapy can be determined  cytology enhanced identification of occult peritoneal
          by actual tumor node metastases (TNM) status, defined  metastasis by 10–15% in pancreatic cancer. 26
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