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          Meenakshi E Yeola et al.                                           10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1338

          Diagnostic Laparoscopy as an Effective Tool in Evaluation

          of Intra-abdominal Malignancies

          1 Meenakshi E Yeola,  Dilip Gode,  Akshay K Bora
          ABSTRACT                                            (MRI), A diagnosis of unresectable, metastatic diseases
          Accurate  diagnosis  and  staging  are  crucial  in  defining  an   has been made at exploratory laparotomy for many
          effective plan of management in intra-abdominal malignan-  patients with gastric, hepatic, pancreatic malignancy.
          cies. Despite the availability of a wide array of imaging tech-  Visualization of primary tumors, identification of hepatic
          niques, a high incidence of nontherapeutic procedures have   metastasis, regional nodal metastasis and intra-peritoneal
          been observed. Laparoscopy finds its utility in reducing this
          discrepancy by an accurate assessment of the extent of the   metastasis, which at times may not be efficiently spotted
          disease. This review article explores applications of laparos-  by imaging modalities, are possible with laparoscopy. 1
          copy in the staging and diagnosis of abdominal malignancy   If laparoscopic finding results in an unresectable
          and its comparative advantages against imaging studies and   disease, then further management can be planned, such
          conventional laparotomy.
                                                              as neoadjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc. It will
          Keywords: Diagnostic laparoscopy, Gastrointestinal tract,   give a tissue diagnosis and can have a biopsy where the
          Gynaecology, Malignancy, Metastasis, Staging.       definitive treatment or surgery is not possible.  Thus, it is
          How to cite this article: Yeola ME, Gode D, Bora AK. Diag-  recommended that diagnostic laparoscopy for a staging
          nostic Laparoscopy as an Effective Tool in Evaluation of Intra-  of abdominal malignancy be performed at the time of
          abdominal Malignancies. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(2):68-75.
                                                              planned laparotomy or in cases where in spite of preop-
          Source of support: Nil                              erative imaging resectability is in doubt. 3
          Conflict of interest: None                             Many authors have stressed the importance of laparo-
                                                              scopic ultrasonography during diagnostic laparoscopy for
          INTRODUCTION                                        abdominal malignancy since it gives the surgeon valuable
                                                              information that would be difficult to obtain from a little
          Unresectable tumors are undesirable diagnostic surprises   laparoscopic visual exploration.
          during laparotomies for surgeons. A well-staged diag-  Since the introduction of laparoscopic staging, lavage
          nosis and an assessment of resectability in abdominal   of the peritoneal cavity has been added to the procedure
          malignancies are necessary determinants for the defini-  for identification of early peritoneal seeding and eventual
          tion of an effective treatment strategy since laparotomies   metastases, with free cancer cells found in the peritoneal
          in patients with improperly staged, and non-resectable   lavage fluid as an effective indicator.
          tumors will increase mortality and morbidity, cost as well   Unnecessary surgery, diagnostic delays, ineffective
          as reduce the quality of life in the remaining lifetime. So   treatment leading to prolonged operative and in-patient
          laparoscopy can play a complementary role in diagnosis   stay which may affect the quality of life, in the long run,
          and staging of abdominal malignancy and its extent. 1   can be avoided by effectively using diagnostic laparos-
             The last three decades have witnessed tremendous   copy. It finds its utility and efficacy as a preoperative
          improvements in laparoscopic equipment and technique,   tool for timely diagnosis, accurate staging, assessment,
          which has now led to a wider application of laparoscopy   and evaluation of intra-abdominal malignancies as a
          and an increasing interest in the use of laparoscopy as   determinant of standard treatment for more regular use.
          a staging tool. 2
             Despite ever evolving, sophisticated radiological diag-  BACKGROUND
          nostic modalities like (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
                                                              Diagnostic laparoscopy is a minimally invasive modality
                                                              for the diagnosis of intra-abdominal diseases through
                                                              direct visual inspection. Tissue biopsies, acquisition of
           1 Professor,  Professor and Vice Chancellor,  Resident  culture, peritoneal lavages along with a variety of thera-
           1-3 Department of Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,   peutic interventions are possible during the procedures. 4,5
           Wardha, Maharashtra, India                              The main advantages of diagnostic laparoscopy over
           Corresponding Author:  Meenakshi  E  Yeola,  Professor,   traditional open laparotomy are as follows:
           Department of Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,   •  Reduced morbidity
           Wardha, Maharashtra, India, e-mail:
                                                              •  Reduced postoperative pain
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