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Laparoscopic Conservative Treatment and Laparoscopic Salpingotomy
               The sonographic absence of an intrauterine gestational sac   The greatest risk factor for an ectopic pregnancy and loss of
            with a serum β-hCG level above the discriminatory zone is highly   fertility is a history of previous ectopic pregnancy. The recurrent
            suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy.                ectopic rate is 10–15% after the first ectopic pregnancy, and 30%
               The diagnosis is less evident when the β-hCG level is below   after the second.   This risk is related to both the underlying tubal
            the discriminatory level and when the adnexal ultrasonographic   disorder that led to the initial ectopic pregnancy and to the choice
            findings are inconclusive.                         of treatment procedure.
               Promising tools to achieve an early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy   Sexually transmitted infections or tubal surgery are responsible
            are ultrasonographic endometrial patterns and the endometrial   for the majority of the tubal damage seen in ectopic pregnancies.
            thickness. Several endometrial patterns have been correlated with   Postabortal or puerperal infection, appendicitis, and endometriosis
            the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, which include the endometrial   are additional etiologies for tubal pathology. One episode of
            trilaminar pattern.   Regardless of the location, the endometrium   salpingitis results in subsequent ectopic pregnancy in up to 9% of
            often responds to ovarian and placental production of pregnancy-  women. Smoking is also a risk factor but may be a surrogate marker
            related hormones. The most common types of endometrium   as it coincides with other high-risk behaviors.   As an example,
            associated with ectopic pregnancy are decidual reaction (42%),   a study of surgical and medical therapy of ectopic pregnancy
            secretory endometrium (22%), and proliferative endometrium   reported the rates of recurrent ectopic pregnancy after single dose
            (12%).   The trilaminar pattern is specific for the diagnosis of ectopic   methotrexate, salpingectomy, and linear salpingostomy were 8,
            pregnancy, but it is associated with low sensitivity.    9.8, and 15.4 percent, respectively, among patients who attempted
               The endometrial thickness tends to be lesser in patients with an   to conceive.
            ectopic pregnancy.   However, there was no endometrial thickness   Despite remarkable advances made in both diagnosis and
            value that was adequately specific and sensitive for the diagnosis   treatment, ectopic pregnancies continue to account for up to
            of ectopic pregnancy.                              9% of all maternal deaths in developed countries.   The ability
               Over the last decades, transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) has   to make diagnoses early and accurately has led to the significant
            become the first step in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy   expansion of treatment options and the development of innovative
            and the most useful imaging test for determining the location   surgical and nonsurgical treatment approaches. Today, ectopic
            of a pregnancy. TVUS should be performed as part of the initial   pregnancies  continue to make up approximately 2% of all
            evaluation and may need to be repeated, depending upon the hCG   recognized pregnancies.   Less than 5% of ectopic pregnancies are
            level or a suspicion of rupture. Sensitivity of TVUS as a single test in   found outside the tube in locations including the ovary or other
            the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is 74% (95% CI: 65.1–81.6) with   intraabdominal structures, the cervix, or defects in the myometrium
            a specificity of 99.9% (95% CI: 99.8–100).   Between 87% and 99%   (e.g., cesarean scar pregnancy). The diagnostic and treatment
            of tubal pregnancies can now be diagnosed reliably using TVUS.    approaches to these unusual ectopic pregnancies vary greatly
               Approximately 60% of ectopic pregnancies are seen as an   depending on their location.
            inhomogeneous mass (“blob sign”) adjacent to the ovary, 20%   The diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is made on the basis
            appear as a hyperechoic ring (bagel sign), and 13% have an obvious   of history including physical examination, the assessment of risk
            gestational sac with a fetal pole, with or without fetal cardiac   factors, vaginal ultrasonography, and serum hCG levels.
            activity.                                             The concept of a “discriminatory zone” which is the hCG level
               The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy (EP) relies on the   above which we expect to see an intrauterine gestational sac has
            interpretation of serial hCG levels in conjunction with TVUS and   been an important addition to the early diagnosis of an ectopic
            clinical history. Transvaginal sonography is sensitive and specific   pregnancy.      In most institutions, the discriminatory zone is a serum
            for distinguishing an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) from an EP when   hCG level of 1,500 or 2,000 IU/L with TVUS. The reported sensitivity
            the presenting hCG is above the discriminatory zone.       and specificity of hCG of >1,500 IU/L are 15.2 and 93.4%, and for an
               Measurement of hCG is performed initially to diagnose   hCG level of >2,000 IU/L, they are 10.9 and 95.2%, respectively.
            pregnancy and then followed to assess for ectopic pregnancy. For   The level is higher for transabdominal ultrasound (approximately
            follow-up, hCG is measured serially (every 48–72 hours). A single   6,500 IU/L), but TVUS is the standard modality used to evaluate
            hCG measurement alone cannot confirm the diagnosis of ectopic   ectopic pregnancy.
            or normal pregnancy.                                  However, the correct level to use for the discriminatory zone
               Clinical interpretation of TVUS in patients with hCG levels close   is controversial. A number of factors (e.g., prostaglandins, integrin,
            to, or below, the discriminatory zone is challenging, and initial TVUS   growth factors, cytokines, lectin, matrix-degrading cumulus,
            alone cannot detect 26% of ectopic pregnancies.   Additional   and modulator proteins) may cause premature implantation in
            factors may impact the diagnostic utility of TVUS.      Medical and/  the tube.   Pelvic infection may alter tubal function, in addition
            or surgical management is often appropriate once the diagnosis   to causing tubal obstruction and pelvic adhesive disease. Some
            has been confirmed.                                data suggest that a history of chlamydial infection results in the
               Although surgical intervention has long been the gold standard   production of a protein (PROKR2) that makes a pregnancy more
            of ectopic treatment, medical management of unruptured ectopic   likely to implant in the tubes.
            pregnancy has emerged as a safe and effective alternative.  Of interest is the fact that unusual forms of ectopic pregnancies,
               Regardless of the treatment strategy used, the primary goal is   such as interstitial and heterotopic pregnancies, are encountered
            the avoidance of catastrophic outcomes including tubal rupture.   more often. This is partly because of the more frequent use of
            Fertility preservation should also be a variable in the decision-  assisted reproductive techniques.         Very rarely it is found
            making process for unruptured ectopic pregnancies.  retroperitoneally or after a hysterectomy.
               Unfortunately, there is no consensus in the literature regarding   Bassil et al.   reported advanced heterotopic pregnancy after
            the optimal treatment of tubal pregnancy for the maintenance of   IVF and embryo transfer, with survival of both the baby and the
            fertility.                                         mother.
            140   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)
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