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Review of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies by Consultants vs Surgery Residents
            Surgical Technique                                 Table 1: Comparison of laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed by
            After an infraumbilical incision, open method of creating   surgeons and residents
            pneumoperitoneum was used. Four ports were then inserted: two               Surgeons   Residents
            10-mm ports in the subumbilical and subxiphoid regions, and two             (n = 231)  (n = 111)  p value
            5-mm trocars in the right hypochondrium. Meticulous dissection   Mean duration of operation   49 (27–78)  57 (33–97)  0.12
            was carried out at Calot’s triangle and around gallbladder using   (minutes)
            bipolar electrocautery and dissection hook, respectively. The cystic   Major complications  15   12  0.06
            duct and cystic artery were clipped separately with metallic clips   •  Intraoperative
            and then divided. One operator and two assistants complete an       Bowel thermal injury  1  0
            operation. In our study, the one who identified and dissected the       Bile duct injury  0  0
            structures in Calot’s triangle was considered the principle surgeon.     Bile leak  4  3
               Residents were introduced to laparoscopic techniques by      Hemorrhage  3        2
            lectures, seminars, and demonstrations. Subsequently, surgical
            residents assisted in operations as camera operators, and then       Hematomas at trocar site  0  0
            progressed to being first assistants, and then operated as the first   •  Postoperative
            surgeons after acquiring appropriate skills.            Inflammation at port site  4  4
               All operations by surgical trainees were performed under      Paralytic ileus  1  2
            the instruction and supervision of an experienced laparoscopic      Jaundice  2      1
            surgeon.                                            Conversion to laparotomy  2      4         0.17
               The routine blood investigations of all the patients were sent   Mortality rate (%)  0  0   0.22
            (like complete hemogram, liver function tests, and renal function   Mean hospital stay (days)  2.3  3.5  0.33
            tests) and they all had electrocardiography, chest X-ray, and   Return to normal activity  15.1  16.7  0.27
            abdominal ultrasound scan done preoperatively.
                                                                  After LC, two patients operated on by a surgeon and one
            Statistical Analysis                               by a resident became jaundiced, and endoscopic retrograde
            The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to collect all   cholangiopancreatography was performed. These patients
            the data. An unpaired t test was used, and the mean duration of the   underwent a papillotomy because of common bile duct stones,
            surgery, the mean duration of hospital stay, and the number of days   which were successfully removed.
            needed for resuming daily activities were compared. To compare
            the complication rates, conversions to open surgery, and mortality  conclusIon
            rates, a X  test was used. A probability of <0.05 was accepted as   We conclude that when surgical residents perform LC after sufficient
            significant. An independent researcher reviewed the results.  training in laparoscopy and under proper supervision and guidance,
            results                                            favorable outcomes are achieved. The learning and experienced
                                                               surgeons must be aware of the possible complications and the
            The data comparing patients who underwent LC by surgeons and   necessary prerequisites that should be taken for their prevention.
            residents are in Table 1.
               The mean duration of the operation was 49 minutes for the  references
            surgeons and 57 minutes for residents (p = 0.12). Neither conversion     1.  Cagir B, Rangraj M, Maffuci L, et al. The learning curve for
            rate to laparotomy (p = 0.17) nor complication rate (p = 0.06) was   laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Laparoendosc Surg 1994;4(6):
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            Considerable concerns exist that shortening the time period     3.  Pariani D, Fontana S, Zetti G, et al. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            of training will compromise the competence of new surgeons.   performed by residents: a retrospective study on 569 patients. Surg
            The surgical trainees must obtain adequate operative experience   Res Pract 2014;2014:912143. DOI: 10.1155/2014/912143.
            without any unfavorable outcomes to the patient. This retrospective     4.  Reynolds W Jr. The first laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Soc
            study has shown that the level of the principle operating   Laparoendosc Surg 2001;5(1):89–94.
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            surgeon does not predict the mortality or morbidity in patients     5.  Friedman RL, Pace BW. Resident education in laparoscopic
            undergoing LC.                                          cholecystectomy. Surg Endosc 1996;10(1):26–28. DOI: 10.1007/
               Several authors have criticized that the laparoscopic generation   s004649910005.
            of surgeons start their training in biliary surgery with less experience   (accessed March 4, 2017).
            with the open technique;  however, studies have shown that less     6.  Hodgson WJ, Byrne DW, Savino JA, et al. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
            experience in open cholecystectomy does not influence the safety   The early experience of surgical attendings compared with that
            of LC.  Instead, surgeons who started LC after their residency   of residents trained by apprenticeship. Surg Endosc 1994;8(9):
            encountered more biliary complications than did their colleagues   1058–1062. DOI: 10.1007/BF00705719.
                                                                    pubmed/7992175 (accessed March 4, 2017).
            who learned LC during their residency. 5              7.  Böckler D, Geoghegan J, Klein M, et al. Implications of laparoscopic
               All similar studies’ results indicate that with proper training   cholecystectomy for surgical residency training. J Soc Lapa-
            and guidance, surgical residents can achieve a satisfactory level of   roendosc Surg 1999;3(1):19–22.
            competence in this procedure. 3                         pubmed/10323164 (accessed February 25, 2017).

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