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Follow-up Study Comparing Open Hysterectomy of Expert Surgeon and Laparoscopic Approach (Learning Curve)
            complications and rapid recovery of laparoscopy cover these   to introduce the laparoscope and the camera. Three ancillary
            shortages.   Three characters of laparoscopy are as follows:   5-mm trocars were also placed, two in the left side (7 cm apart to

            instruments, trained personnel, and learning curve.  Nowadays,   each other) and one in the right side of the patient. The surgeon
            surgeons work on basic skills before real surgery.    operated ipsilaterally and her assistant worked in contralateral side
               Learning curve includes 3 phases, starting, learning rate, and   and handled the camera at the same time.
            stabilized performance. The speed of laparoscopic learning curve at   The round ligament was sectioned at ~3 cm from the uterus,
            first phase is not dependent on age, number of surgeries, or hospital   by Harmonic Ace in order to prevent bleeding from the superior
            setting. The first phase is rapid. The main factor effective on learning   uterine vessels. The areolar tissue of the broad ligament was then
            curve is the supporting surgical team. Another factor is the equipment   dissected and its posterior fold fenestrated at an avascular area
            problem which is reported to occur in 87% of procedures.          above the uterine vessels. The uterine artery and the utero-ovarian
               Learning curve is defined by the number of patients which   ligament vs infundibulo-pelvic ligament in both sides were tied by
            reduce complications and time of surgery toward the same   suture and cut by Harmonic Ace.
            procedure in the open method. During the learning curve,   After complete dissection of the bladder, circular monopolar
            complications are higher and the operative time is longer.   colpotomy was then performed, and the uterus was removed
            Learning curve is defined in difficult procedures, for instance, in   through the vagina and sent for histological examination.
            appendectomy, learning curve is about 30 patients.             At this stage, the uterine manipulator was extremely effective
                                                               in completely exposing the fornices and at the same time in
            Levels of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery       avoiding CO   leakage from the pneumoperitoneum, thus making
            (HKCOG)                                            colpotomy easier. Finally, the vaginal vault was sutured continuously
            Level 1: Basic procedures such as diagnostic and tubal occlusion  laparoscopically, and the pelvis was then checked in order to ensure
            Level 2: Minor procedures such as salpingectomy for tubal   hemostasis and to perform pelvic irrigation, thus removing blood
            pregnancy or hydrosalpinx                          clots. At the end of the surgery, only fascia site of 10 mm trochars
            Level 3: Intermediate procedures such as oophorectomy or   was repaired. In the open surgery, hemostasis was performed by
            cystectomy for ovarian cysts                       electrocautery and suturing, and in the case of hysterectomy, the
            Level 4: Major procedures such as hysterectomy and myomectomy  vaginal cuff was closed.
            Level 5: Advanced procedures such as lymphadenectomy and   The beginning of the operation was calculated as the moment
            radical hysterectomy                               of the umbilical incision and for laparoscopic hysterectomy and as
               In this study, we compare hysterectomy in learning curve   the moment of cutaneous incision for the abdominal technique.
            (including about 50 first surgeries) with open hysterectomy of the   Cutaneous suture was considered the end of the operation in both
            same surgeon, expert in open surgery, for complications, hospital   cases.
            stay duration, transfusion, operative time, and readmission.
                                                               Sample Size
                                                               Cases of hysterectomy were divided into 54 laparoscopy and 57
            MAterIAls And Methods                              laparotomy method. Laparoscopy cases were considered in the
            Study Area and Study Population                    learning curve group. So, there were two groups of hysterectomy,
            In a prospective cohort study, patients undergoing hysterectomy at   including laparoscopy (learning) and laparotomy.
            the Imam Hossein Medical Center located in Tehran were randomly
            assigned into laparoscopic and laparotomy groups from 2016 to   Data Collection
            2018.                                              Complications during hospital stay and after discharge, blood
               In this study, surgeon was the same in all operations. It should   transfusion, duration of hospitalization, readmission, and the
            be noted that the surgeon’s work experience in open surgery   surgical time of patients were compared between two groups.
            was about 20 years, and she was an expert, a radical gyneco-
            oncologist, and a referral of difficult surgical procedures. The   Statistical Method
            above-mentioned surgeon began to perform laparoscopy in   The normal distribution of quantitative data was performed using
            hysterectomy by participating in 3 laparoscopic workshops and   Shapiro–Wilk test. Quantitative data were displayed using mean,
            using a trainer for a period of 6 months and clinical practice with   standard deviations, mid-range, and interquartile domains. The
            an expert laparoscopist for 6 months, mostly in level 3 operations;   qualitative data were displayed using frequency and percent.
            finally participated in the one-month compact laparoscopy course   Data were analyzed by ANOVA, Kruskal–Wallis, T-independent,
            again and started laparoscopic hysterectomy operations (level 4),   Mann–Whitney, and Kendall–Tau coefficients for comparing
            independently.                                     quantitative responses between groups. Guerrilla post hoc  test was
               From the beginning, under study information, cases were   used whenever necessary. Chi-square test was used to compare the
            recorded regarding complications, hospital stay, operative time,   qualitative responses between the studied groups, and if necessary,

            and blood transfusion.                             the exact p value was calculated. Covariance analysis was used to
                                                               compare postoperative hemoglobin between the studied groups.
            Surgical Techniques                                The significance level for statistical tests was considered 0.05. SPSS
            The patient was placed in the lithotomy position with her legs open   software version 25 was used for data analysis.
            at 60°, under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation; a
            Foley urinary catheter ensured the bladder was emptied during   results
            the operation.                                     A total of 111 patients underwent hysterectomy. In the hysterectomy
               After a CO   pneumoperitoneum was created, a 10-mm trocar   group, 111 patients, including laparoscopy in learning curve group
            was placed in the umbilical site by the modified Hasson technique   (54) and laparotomy (57), were studied.

             6    World​Journal​of​Laparoscopic​Surgery,​Volume​12​Issue​1​(January–April​2019)
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