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Wandering Dermoid Cyst of Ovary
                                                               any ligamentous connection with the pelvic organs. Another
                                                               patient had an impending uterine rupture with a large dermoid
                                                               cyst impacted in the pouch of Douglas separate from the adnexa.
                                                                  The third patient presented with obstructed labor and intra-
                                                               uterine fetal demise. Exploration revealed a dermoid cyst adherent
                                                               to the urinary bladder. 5
                                                                  One case of parasitic dermoid has been reported whose
                                                               etiology has been attributed to previous dermoid cystectomy
                                                               where there was spillage of contents in the abdomen. 9
                                                                    Intraoperatively, dermoid cyst spill may result in chemical
                                                               peritonitis or a recurrence of similar lesion in future.  Utmost care
                                                               should be taken to prevent this or else generous suction irrigation
                                                               will help to avoid future complications.
                                                                  In our case, the whole cystic mass was retrieved in an endobag
                                                               without any spillage of contents onto the surrounding structures.
                                                               Three-year follow-up of the patient has not shown any recurrence
                                                               of the lesion.
            Fig. 6: Dermoid cyst retrieved enmasse in endobag
                                                               Clinical Significance
            the route of the mesentery toward the primitive gonads. These cells   However, uncommon the parasitic dermoids are, the surgeon
            in future life might give rise to spectrum of tissues originating from
            the three primitive embryonic layers, including the dermoid cysts. 2   should always have this as a differential diagnosis while dealing
            Torsion of the pedicle, rarely, may lead to autoamputation and   with large dermoid cysts. Laparoscopy is the preferred modality to
            reimplantation of the ovarian dermoid or even the ovary forming   deal with this condition but the technique and skills are required to
            the parasitic tumor. 2                             retrieve it en masse to prevent the complications of spillage. Few
               In this index case, CT scan and pelvic sonography revealed the   case reports have reported the auto amputation of the ovary along
            cyst being in close contact with the right ovary without obvious   with these teratomas, hence a timely action may help to save the
            evidence of torsion. However, laparoscopy findings included no   ovarian function of these women.
            demonstrable attachment of the tumor to the right ovary as the
            adnexal torsion was unwound. The lesion was seen lying free in  references
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