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            Wandering Dermoid Cyst of Ovary: A Case Report

            Rajneet N Bhatia, Nozer K Sheriar, Sachin K Dhaduk 3
            Received on: 24 January 2022; Accepted on: 26 February 2022; Published on: 05 September 2023
             Background: Mature cystic teratomas (dermoid cysts) are most frequently seen in the reproductive age-group. Torsion is the most common
             complication of dermoid cysts, with detachment from the adnexa in rare circumstances.
             Case description: A 38-year-old patient presented with dull pain in right lower abdominal region. Tenderness was elicited in the right iliac fossa
             with right forniceal fullness on per vaginal examination. The ultrasound diagnosis of a mature cystic teratoma was confirmed on computerized
             tomography. Laparoscopy showed torsion of the right adnexa, with the dermoid cyst seen detached and within the pouch of Douglas. The
             wandering dermoid cyst was removed laparoscopically, en masse using an endobag without spillage.
             Conclusion: The rare possibility of detachment of the dermoid cyst with or without the entire ovary exists in cases of torsion necessitating
             recognition and appropriate surgical removal.
             Keywords: Case report, Cystic teratomas, Dermoid cysts, Pouch of Douglas, Torsion of adnexa.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2023): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1550

            bAckground                                         1 Department  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  PD  Hinduja  Hospital,
            Mature cystic teratomas also known as dermoid cysts, are the most   Aviva Clinic For Women, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
            common germ cell neoplasia of the ovary. They are derived from   2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Breach Candy Hospital,
            one or more of the three germ cell layers.  Their incidence ranges   PD Hinduja Hospital, Holy Family Hospital, Aviva Clinic For Women,
            from 5 to 25% of all ovarian tumors.  Torsion of the pedicle is the   Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
            most frequent complication of dermoid cysts and is seen in 16.1%   3 Department  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  PD  Hinduja  Hospital,
            of all cases.  Torsion interferes with the blood supply and may thus   Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
            result in venous congestion and aseptic inflammation of the tumor   Corresponding Author: Rajneet N Bhatia, Department of Obstetrics
            wall. In acute torsion, the ovary or the entire adnexa may undergo   and Gynecology, Aviva Clinic For Women, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India,
            necrosis due to ischemia, whereas in subacute or chronic torsion   Phone +91 9619696674, e-mail:

            the dermoid cyst or ovary could adhere to adjacent structures and   How to cite this article: Bhatia RN, Sheriar NK, Dhaduk SK. Wandering
            develop a new collateral circulation.  In rare situations, the cyst or   Dermoid Cyst of Ovary: A Case Report. World J Lap Surg 2023;16(1):
            the entire ovary along with the cyst may completely detach from its   49–51.
            primary pedicle and form a parasitic dermoid or ovary. The reported   Source of support: Nil
            incidence of this entity is as low as 0.4% of all ovarian teratomas.    Conflict of interest: None
            We describe one such case of a wandering dermoid diagnosed and   Patient consent statement:  The author(s) have obtained written
            managed laparoscopically.                          informed consent from the patient for publication of the case report
                                                               details and related images.
            cAse description
            A 38-year-old woman, with previous three cesarean deliveries,   concentration was found to be 79.1 U/mL (normal values 0–35 U/mL)
            presented with a complaint of pain in the right lower abdomen since   with other tumor markers including CEA (0.35), beta hCG (<0.1), and
            a month. The pain was described to be dull in nature with radiation   AFP (1.01) within normal limits.
            to the back and thigh. Menstrual history was unremarkable with   Magnetic resonance imaging was suggested for further
            no significant medical history. There were no urinary- or bowel-  evaluation but patient who suffered claustrophobia, opted
            related complaints.                                to avoid it. Instead a detailed evaluation of the abdomen and
               On examination, her abdomen was soft with minimal   pelvis was undertaken using contrast-enhanced computerized
            tenderness in right iliac region with no rebound tenderness. Per   tomography (CECT). The scan revealed a solid cystic mass lesion
            vaginal examination revealed bulky, mobile, anteverted uterus   in the pouch of Douglas with the right ovary lying anterosuperior
            with right forniceal fullness.                     to the lesion. The lesion showed well-defined margins with
               Pelvic ultrasound revealed a large adnexal mass lesion with   minimal enhancement of the solid component along with fat
            the right ovary not separately visualized from the lesion. The lesion   tissue and calcific foci within it. The fat planes with adjacent pelvic
            had solid and cystic components with thick walls showing internal   organs were maintained with no obvious pelvic or abdominal
            debris and marginal echogenic focus. The routine hematological   lymphadenopathy. These features were consistent with mature
            and biochemical markers were within normal limits. CA-125   cystic teratoma (Figs 1 and 2).

            © The Author(s). 2023 Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.
            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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