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Perioperative Outcome of Laparoscopy in the Management of Periappendiceal Abscess
            with no statistically significant difference between the LA and the  Clinical Significance
            OA groups. The recurrence of the postoperative intraperitoneal   Laparoscopic surgery for appendicitis complicated with an abscess
            collection has been attributed to the absence of skillful surgeons,   is feasible and safe. It offers beneficial merits over the open
            improper manipulation, and techniques like an excessive residual   approach including the perioperative and financial outcome.
            of the fluids of lavage in the peritoneal cavity, which in turn causes
            considerable contamination. An uncontrollable manipulation of
            complicated appendicitis, especially the ruptured one; moreover,   orcId
            CO  insufflation can facilitate the intraperitoneal spread of bacteria.   Selmy S Awad
            In the current research, the rate of intra-abdominal collection
            recurrence of the LA group had no significant difference from that   references
            of the OA group. We consider that the skillful laparoscopic surgeon     1.  Taguchi Y, Komatsu S, Sakamoto E, et al. Laparoscopic versus open
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