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Laparoscopic Management of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

            Figs 3A to D: Case 2: Intraoperative images illustrating scar ectopic and laparoscopic repair

            Figs 4A to D: Case 3: Ultrasound and intraoperative images depicting scar ectopic and laparoscopic repair

              live intrauterine gestation with gestational age corresponding to   •  Suction evacuation and laparoscopic tubal sterilization was planned.
              10 weeks 1 day. She had taken MTP pills 2 weeks ago following   On suction, excessive vaginal bleeding around 250 mL was noted.
              which she had vaginal bleeding for 3 days. She had childbirth   Thus, uterine perforation or scar ectopic pregnancy was suspected
              previously 7 and 4 years ago by full-term cesarean sections.  and diagnostic laparoscopy was performed. A vascular mass of
            •  On examination, the vitals were within normal limits. Abdomen   around 4 cm × 5 cm was found at the site of the previous C-section
              was soft, non-tender. On speculum examination, closed cervical   scar on left side suggestive of scar ectopic and adnexa were normal
              OS was noted. On bimanual examination, cervix was firm, uterus   (Fig. 3). Laparoscopic scar excision and suturing and bilateral tubal
              was anteverted and bilateral fornices were free and non-tender.   sterilization was also performed. Tissue was subjected to HPE and
              Relevant investigations were done; hemoglobin was 9 gm/dLand   diagnosis of C-section scar ectopic pregnancy was confirmed.
              β-hCG level was 15820 IU/L.                         Repeat β-hCG level on postoperative day 3 was 821 IU/L.

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 3 (September–December 2022)  251
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