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Laparoscopic Management of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

            Fig. 1: TVS showing a hyperechoic lesion at the level of lower uterine segment

            Fig. 2: Shows a bulge after dissecting UV fold of peritoneum

            •  Relevant investigations were done, beta human chorionic   of conception were gently scooped out, scar was excised
              gonadothropin (β-hCG) level was 3112 IU/L. Ultrasound   and endosuturing was done. (Fig. 2) Products were sent for
              examination showed a heteroechoic, predominantly    histopathological examination (HPE).
              hyperechoic lesion measuring 27 mm × 13 mm in the anterior   •  Post-scar excision patient was followed up with repeat β-hCG
              wall of lower uterine segment with posterior shadowing with   on day 3 which was 224 IU/L, showing a declining trend.
              increased internal vascularity and another hypoechoic cystic   Histopathology revealed endometrial tissue with areas of
              lesion measuring 15 mm × 12 mm adjacent to it with no intrinsic   hemorrhage and chorionic villi, thus confirming C-section scar
              vascularity. Doppler examination showed increased internal   ectopic pregnancy.
              vascularity scar ectopic (Fig. 1).
            •  Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed and UV fold was   Case 2:
              dissected and a soft and vascular mass was noted. Saccular
              structure was noted on anterior wall and lower uterine segment   •  A 35-year-old, G P L  with previous two C-sections came with
                                                                              3 2 2
              of 4 cm × 5 cm, incision was taken over the bulge, products   history of 2.5 months of amenorrhea and a scan report of single

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