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Laparoscopic OAGB, Laparoscopic SG, and VTE
            Table 2: Operative data of surgeries               complications, rates of VTE incidents after bariatric surgery
                                           (N = 33)            range from 0.3 to 2.2%. The optimal dose or duration of throm-
            Operative time  (minute)  Mean ± SD   71.67 ± 23.61  boprophylaxis is still debatable. Since most VTE complications
                                                               occur posthospital discharge, a comprehensive approach to
            Complications     Bleeding              0 (0%)     thromboprophylaxis is necessary, particularly in patients at high
                              Leakage and/or fistulas  0 (0%)  risk.  After bariatric surgery, LMWH was confirmed to be superior
                              Stricture             0 (0%)     to unfractionated heparin (UFH) for thromboprophylaxis, with a
                              Twist                 0 (0%)     comparable risk of bleeding.
                              Pulmonary emboli        2 (6.1%)    In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 6.1% of patients
                              DVT                   0 (0%)     had PE as a postoperative complication, and two patients (6.1%)
                              Re-operation          0 (0%)     died. Moreover, we demonstrated that mini-gastric bypass
                                                               operation had a significantly longer mean operative duration of
                              Re-admission          0 (0%)     120.0 ± 9.49 minutes than sleeve operation 60.93 ± 3.11 minutes
                              Mortality               2 (6.1%)  (p <0.001). In terms of the predictors of postoperative VTE,
            Hospital stay  (days)  (Mean ± SD)     2.0 ± 0.0   old age (p = 0.013), long duration of peroration (p = 0.005),
                              Range                      (2–2)  and previous history of VTE (p = 0.045) were associated with
                                                               a higher risk of developing postoperative VTE. Magee et al.,
            Table 3: Criteria of patient develop in PE regarding different parameters  reported that among 735 patients who underwent bariatric
                                                               surgery and received up to 3 weeks of LMWH, the incidence
                                          (N = 2)              of postoperative VTE and bleeding was 0%. Similarly, in those
             Age            Mean ± SD              44.50 ± 5.36  managed with 10 days of tinzaparin, Tseng et al. reported a 0.5%
                            Range                    40–49     postoperative VTE.  Similarly, the incidence of postoperative
             Sex            Male                     0 (0%)    bleeding varies from 0 to 6%.  On the contrary, Froehling et al.
                            Female                        2 (100%)  showed that VTE’s cumulative incidence ranged between 0.3
             Type of surgery  Sleeve                  1 (50%)  and 2.1% in patients who underwent 402 bariatric operations.
                            Mini gastric bypass       1 (50%)  Furthermore, they highlighted that the patients’ age was an
             BMI            Mean ± SD               49.0 ± 8.49  independent predictor of postoperative VTE (HR = 1.89, 95%
                            Range                    43–55     CI: 1.01, 3.55). This variance in the occurrence of postoperative
            Type of         Mechanical pharmacological     2 (100%)  VTE is possibly attributable to variations in patient condition,
            prophylaxis                                        type of procedure, thromboprophylaxis dose and duration, and
            Time of incidence    Mean ± SD          8.50 ± 4.95  assessed outcomes.
            PE after surgery   Range                  5–12        In the bariatric surgery population, fatal PE is a common cause
            (days)                                             of postoperative mortality. 25,26  The previous studies reported that
                                                               old age, postoperative anastomotic leakage, history of smoking,
                                                               and previous VTE are associated with a higher risk of VTE following
            (p  <0.001). The mean hospital stay was 2  days. Regarding   bariatric surgery.  In several studies, male sex was associated with
            postoperative complications, 6.1% of patients had PE as a   an increased VTE risk among patients with bariatric surgery. 26,28  Two
            postoperative complication and two patients (6.1%) died (Table 2).
                                                               studies reported a significant association between patient smoking
            Incidence of VTE at the End of Follow-up           status and VTE’s potential risk. 27,29  The presence of potential
            Two patients developed PE (6.1%). The first patient was female   hypercoagulability markers among patients in the bariatric
            aged 40-years-old who underwent (SG). Her BMI was 43 kg/m    procedure has also been evaluated, but there was no observed
            and she had a history of diabetes, hypertension, and VTE 5 years   association with clinical VTE.
            ago. On the 5th postoperative day, she complained of shortness   With regards to procedure-related factors, procedure type,
            of breath and chest pain, which was followed by the diagnosis   operative time, and postoperative complications are the main
            of PE and ICU admission. The second patient was a female aged   risk factors of VTE. Compared to laparoscopic procedures, the
            49-years-old who underwent OAGB operation. Her BMI was    open procedure was reported to be associated with a higher risk
            55 kg/m  and she had a history of diabetes, HTN, and chronic   of VTE.  Regarding the duration of the procedure, Finks et al.
            obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Twelve days after the   recorded an increased risk (86%) of VTE with an operative time of
            operation, she complained of chest pain, palpitations, shortness   more than 3 hours.  Chan et al. found that operatives with long-
            of breath, which was followed by the diagnosis of PE and ICU   duration excessed 3 hours are associated with an increased risk
            admission (Table 3).                               of postoperative VTE.  Regarding the type of surgery, revision
                                                               surgeries were reported to be correlated with an increased VTE
                                                               risk.  It was also reported that Roux en Y gastric bypass (RYGB)
            dIscussIon                                         was associated with the postoperative anastomotic leak, which
            VTE is a disease that can be prevented, and thromboprophylaxis   in turn increases the VTE risk.  In contrast to adjustable gastric
            is a key strategy to minimize post-bariatric VTE mortality and   band procedures, Finks et al. found an increased risk of VTE with
            morbidity.  The reverse placement of Trendelenburg and   (SG), laparoscopic gastric bypass, and open RYGB.  Masoomi et al.
            pneumoperitoneum use during laparoscopy reduces the venous     found that in comparison with other bariatric procedures, GBS
            return to the heart, further increasing the prothrombotic   carries greater VTE risks.
            state. 17,19  VTE risk is also increased by postoperative pain and   Our study has some limitations, including the cross-sectional
            poor ambulation.  Even with the challenges of preventing these    nature, which is associated with several risks of bias. Moreover, the
                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)  23
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