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Role of Laparoscopy in Abdominal Tuberculosis Diagnosis

                                                                             TP    39
                                                               1.  Sensitivity =  =  = 100%
                                                                           TP + FN  39
                                                                             TN     8
                                                               2.  Specificity =  =  =  72.7%
                                                                            TN + FP  11
                                                                                        TP   39
                                                               3.  Positive predictive value =  =  = 92.8%
                                                                                      TP+FP  42
                                                                                         TN    8
                                                               4.  Negative predictive value =  =  = 100%
                                                                                       TN + FN  8

                                                               TB is one of the commonest diseases of mankind for decades,
            Fig. 1: Operating room setup                       and the incidence is rising due to the increased incidence of the
                                                               human immunodeficiency virus and other immunocompromised
                                                               conditions. 2–4,10,11  It continues to be an important medical, social,
            bowel wall tubercles. Biopsy of abdominal tubercles and enlarged   and economic problem in many developing countries where
            mesenteric lymph nodes was taken and sent for histopathology,   public health and sanitation are minimal.  The disease has a high
            AFB culture, TB PCR, Gene Xpert. Peritoneal fluid was sent for the   incidence and is fairly curable provided it is diagnosed early and
            analysis, microscopy, AFB staining, and AFB culture. Postoperatively,   treated adequately. However, failure to do so causes increased
            most of the patients were started orally after 24 hours.  severity of disease and the development of multidrug resistance.
                                                               This is why a prompt and accurate diagnosis of this disease is very
            observAtIons And results                              Abdominal TB is the most common extrapulmonary
            The mean age of the patients was 35.08 years, in the range   manifestation of TB accounting from 11–16% of cases. 2–4,13,14
            of 18–60 years. Out of 50, there were 33 male and 17 female   It can develop at any age but is more common in patients of
            patients. All 50 patients underwent diagnostic laparoscopy.   25–45 years. 4,12  The peritoneum and intestine are the most
            The visual findings on laparoscopy were recorded. Positive   frequently involved sites of abdominal Kochs and present
            findings on visual impression were as follows: free fluid in the   with nonspecific symptoms like fever, ascites, and abdominal
            abdomen, peritoneal tubercles, enlarged mesenteric lymph   pain, mimicking other chronic abdominal conditions. 2,3,7–11,13
            nodes, and intraabdominal adhesions (Fig. 2). We compared   The clinical features of abdominal TB are vague. Whereas the
            visual impression on laparoscopy with other investigative   diagnosis of pulmonary TB can be done fairly easily with a
            parameters done on samples collected intraoperatively from   noninvasive procedure on an outpatient basis, the diagnosis of
            AFB staining, AFB culture, histopathology, TB PCR, and Gene   abdominal TB poses a greater challenge. Delay in diagnosis and
            Xpert. AFB staining showed a positive result in 20 (40%) cases.   treatment can be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.
            Peritoneal fluid AFB culture showed a positive result in 28 (56%)   Due to its unusual presentation, a high index of suspicion is
            cases. Histopathological examination was positive in 38 (76%)   needed for diagnosis. 7–9,14  Among all the tests done, not a
            cases. TB PCR was positive in 38 (76%) cases. Gene Xpert was   single test is conclusive for starting AKT. The routinely done
            positive in 39 (78%) cases. Gene Xpert is the most sensitive test   laboratory tests and radiological tests are inconclusive.  The
            for the diagnosis of TB and was considered standard for starting   value of Mantoux test remains uncertain. Raised ESR is found
            antitubercular treatment in our study.             in many patients, but it is not conclusive. Examination of ascitic
               Out of 50 patients, 38 patients had tuberculous lymphadenitis   fluid is helpful but needs a collection of around 1 L of ascitic fluid
            as a histopathological diagnosis. Reactive lymphadenitis as a   followed by centrifugation. The yield of organisms on staining
            histological diagnosis was found in the remaining 12 patients.   and culture is very low. Moreover, culture requires 6–8 weeks for
            Among the group of reactive lymphadenitis, one patient had   the mycobacterium colony to appear, causing a delay in diagnosis
            positive Gene Xpert as well as positive visual findings, so this patient   and treatment. TB PCR test for M.TB in biopsy and culture may be
            was started on AKT.                                diagnostic, but it requires obtaining a tissue sample, for which
               On laparoscopy, 42 (84%) patients were found to have positive   laparotomy had to be done.  The most confirmatory option
            findings suggestive of TB. Those patients who had positive Gene   for diagnosis was a biopsy or direct viewing of the peritoneal
            Xpert, TB PCR, and histopathology had positive visual findings.   cavity by laparotomy, and AKT was started accordingly. Earlier,
            All 39 patients who had positive Gene Xpert were started on   the percutaneous peritoneal biopsy was another procedure used
            antitubercular treatment (Table 1). It suggests that visual impression   to diagnose TB but had a low sensitivity due to its blind nature
            coincides with positive Gene Xpert, TB PCR, and histopathology.   and also risk of bowel perforation, visceral injury, etc.  Thus,
            Only three patients had positive visual findings on laparoscopy and   many patients underwent laparotomy, and the diagnosis was
            had negative Gene Xpert. This shows that laparoscopy has 100%   made by visual findings on laparotomy or biopsy taken during
            sensitivity for the diagnosis of TB when compared with other tests   laparotomy. But, it caused many complications increasing the
            (Tables 2 and 3).                                  morbidity and mortality of the patients.

            146   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)
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