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Adopting Culture of Safety for LC
               The CVS has been adapted for clear identification of structures   the CVS is achieved or not, whether it is safe to continue dissection
            in Calot’s triangle to reduce the risk of BDI.  The requirements are   in the assumed plane, and when to apply stopping rules. Kapoor
            as follows: The hepatocystic triangle must be cleared of all the fatty   also suggests that the primary surgeon should always call another
            and fibrous tissue. Second, the lowest one-third of the gallbladder   surgical colleague for opinion and assessment of the biliary ductal
            must be separated from the liver bed. The third requirement is   anatomy, if in doubt, before the structures of Calot’s triangle are
            to ensure that only two structures are seen to be entering the   divided.  The new and unbiased input of the detached observer
            gallbladder. Once these three criteria have been fulfilled, CVS is   can avoid the visual perception error of the primary surgeon. He
            said to be attained. Most surgeons around the world acknowledge   calls this “in vicinity colleaguography.”
            the importance of CVS during LC for prevention of biliary injury. 16,17    Bystander surgeon for the reason that he is detached is more
            There has been indirect evidence from literature to suggest that the   likely to seek information from surgical field and more likely
            use of the CVS is helpful in preventing BDI. None of the patients in   to recognize misplacement of cognitive map by the operating
            the study conducted by Yegiyants and Collins had an injury to biliary   surgeon that can result in spatial disorientation.  He is more alert
            ducts because of visual misidentification when CVS was achieved.    for cues from surgical environment if demanded by the situation.
            CVS was achieved in 998 of the 1,046 patients in the study   He can refute the working hypothesis which the operator has
            conducted by Avgerinas et al. who reported a conversion rate of   entertained. Significance of unexpected observation may go
            2.7%. Five patients had minor bile leak that resolved spontaneously.   unrecognized by the operating surgeon due to conformation bias.
            They didn’t report any major BDI.  Heistermann et al. evaluated 100   Since detached observer is not committed to a judgment and is
            patients who had LC in whom CVS was achieved. Only one patient   free from confirmation bias, he may be able to attach significance
            in their study had postoperative cystic duct stump leak. 19  to some unexpected observation.  As mentioned by Way et al.
               Variations in biliary anatomy are common.  Variable biliary   in their seminal paper, “human performance cannot be pushed
            anatomy can predispose to BDI. Awareness to variation in biliary   to perfection and that most fruitful correction strategy often lies
            anatomy can be enhanced by starting from a fixed point a concept   outside the individual.”  Bystander surgeon can be considered as
            borrowed by Huge from maritime and aviation industries.    one such outside correction strategy. 31
            Rouviere’s sulcus is one such extra biliary fixed point.  The right   Alternative or bailout options should be considered in
            portal pedicle runs in this fissure and thus demarcates the plane   those cases where achievement of CVS remains elusive due to
            of the porta hepatis. The dissection during the procedure should   dense adhesions, uncertain anatomy, or severe inflammation.
            always stay anterior to this sulcus. Minimal incidence of BDI has   Conversion to open cholecystectomy is the most practical option
            been reported in a large series of LC by Huge et al.  and Singh and   in this situation. The decision to convert to open should take into
            Ohri  when dissection is done ventral to this sulcus.  consideration the experience of surgeon since difficult LC usually
               As per SAGES recommendations, it is advised to keep IOC   suggests a difficult open cholecystectomy with chances of biliary
            available as an integral tool while performing LC. Selective use,   injuries remaining higher.  Subtotal cholecystectomy may also
            however, has been practiced more commonly.  Utility of IOC   be considered in select situations. It can be done by laparoscopic
            is, however, controversial as many authors report it to be time-  or open method. Surgical cholecystostomy tube drainage is a safe
            consuming and complex procedure. It is also considered to be   alternative in difficult situations. In case of inexperience, the best
            inefficient with few authors suggest that many surgeons may not   possible method to prevent BDI may be to abort the procedure and
            be able to read it correctly. 24,25  As per the current literature, there   referral to the higher center.
            is no level evidence to suggest the use of IOC.  An alternative
            is laparoscopic ultrasonography, but it is subject to significant   conclusIon
            interoperator variability. 27,28  Another method to identify and   SAGES culture of safe cholecystectomy can be modified to make it
            continuously map the biliary anatomy is near-infrared fluorescent   applicable to rural hospitals in developing countries, where due to
            cholangiography, which is technically easy but the data as of now are   logistic and other reasons, IOC is not available. More reliance can
            insufficient to suggest its role in minimizing biliary injury.  Due to the   be put on a detached bystander surgeon who is likely available in
            lack of expertise or for logistic reasons, these methods of mapping   the vicinity.
            biliary anatomy are not available in most rural hospitals in India.
               Intraoperative time-out should be considered by operating   orcId
            surgeon always in the process of dissection of Calot’s triangle.
            This step helps to confirm that the CVS has been achieved. The   Mohd Riyaz Lattoo
            proposed disadvantage of this step is that this step is adopted   Prince Ajaz Ahmad
            by the operating surgeon who may still suffer from the heuristic   Sadaf Ali Bangri
            error.  As already discussed, injuries stem principally from
            misidentification secondary to visual misperception rather than   references
            error of skill, knowledge, or judgement.  This visual misperception     1.  Truven health analytics (Thomson/Solucient). USA Procedure
            is a result of misplaced cognitive map,  and sometimes this illusion   Volumes; 2014.
            is so compelling as to end into an error. A detached observer can be     2.  National Institutes of Health. National Institute of Health consensus
            helpful in this situation.  The detached observer present should   development conference statement on gallstones and laparoscopic
            agree with the surgeon that CVS has been achieved. Hori et al.   cholecystectomy. Am J Surg 1993;165(4):390–398. DOI: 10.1016/s0002-
            have also advised to take the opinion of an independent detached   9610(05)80929-8.
            surgeon while demonstrating CVS as he is unbiased and free from     3.  Connar S and Garden OJ. Bile duct injury in the era of laparoscopic
                                                                    cholecystectomy. Br J Surg 2006;93(2):158–168. DOI: 10.1002/bjs.5266.
            the any heuristic impression of the primary surgeon.  Surgical     4.  MacFadyen BV Jr, Vecchio R, Ricardo AE, et al. Bile duct injury after
            colleague can act as an unbiased observer free from heuristic   laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The United States experience. Surg
            impression of operating surgeon. He or she can ascertain whether   Endosc 1988;12(4):315–321. DOI: 10.1007/s004649900661.
                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)  193
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