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Adopting Culture of Safety for LC
            •  Availability of a detached observer in all cases. The bystander   Table 3: Bailout options adopted
              surgeon would stand by monitor to watch and observe the   Options            Numbers   Percentage
              procedure with a keen intent and would alert the operating   (i) Open cholecystectomy  11  2.87%
              surgeon if any wrong space of dissection was entered or
              incorrect duct was being dissected. To ascertain this, the   (ii) Subtotal cholecystectomy    7  1.83%
              bystander surgeon would always ensure that the operating   (a) Open              5       1.30%
              surgeon is ventral to Rouviere’s sulcus when present and has   (b) Lap           2       0.52%
              achieved CVS before clipping and dividing any structure.   (iii) Tube cholecystectomy    1   0.26%
              Minute-to-minute feedback was provided by the detached
              observer in difficult situations, so that the surgeon can accept
              the need for plan modification if by a given hypothesis   Table 4: Indications for bailout
              placement of cognitive map is a misfit.           1. Inability to achieve CVS       7/19    36.84%
            •  Adopting bailout options as merited by the situation early in   (a) Tissue inflammation  6/19  31.57%
              course of procedure.                               (b) Fibrosis of Calot triangle   5/19    26.3%
               For logistic reasons, intraoperative cholangiography (IOC)   (c) Severe adhesion   4/19    21.05%
            was not done in our hospital. All patients were advised to attend   (d) Unclear anatomy  3/19   15.79%
            outpatient clinics at regular intervals of 1 week, 1 month, and   2. Inability to procced at expected pace  2/19  10.52%
            6 months. Telephonic communication was kept for any patient who   3. Technical difficulties in handling GB  2/19   10.52%
            defaulted to visit outpatient clinics.              4. Contracted/shrilled GB         2/19    10.52%
                                                                5. Bleed in surgical field (from GB bed)  1/19   10.52%
            results                                             6.  Cirrhotic liver with varices in hepatocystic   1/19     5.26%
            Mean age of patients was 43 years (range 16–82 years). Two-  triangle
            hundred and ninety-eight (78%) patients were females, and 84   7. Hidden GB           1/19      5.26%
            (22%) were male, with a male female ratio of 1:3.54. Indication of   8. Mirzzi syndrome  1/19     5.26%
            surgery is detailed in Table 1. Most common indication was chronic   9.  Hemodynamic instability secondary to   1/19     5.26%
            cholecystitis in 213 patients (55.7%). Adaptation of components of   pneumoperitoneum
            safe cholecystectomy is detailed in Table 2. CVS was achieved in   10. Suspected GB malignancy  1/19       5.26%
            256 patients (67%). Rouviere’s sulcus was present in 242 patients
            (63.3%). Intraoperative time-out was done in all patients. Bystander
            surgeon (independent second observer) was present in all cases.   hospital stay was 24 hours in laparoscopic group and 72 hours in
            Bailout option as shown in Table 3 was adopted in 19 patients   open cholecystectomy subset of patients. No patient was lost to
            (4.97%). Conversation to open cholecystectomy was done in 11 of   follow up. In our study, there was no instance of BDI. We report a low
            the 382 patients (2.87%). Subtotal cholecystectomy was done in 7   conversion rate of 2.5% and is probably because of exclusion criteria
            of the 382 (1.83%) patients. In two patients, it was possible to do a   adopted by us (Table 4).
            laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy. Tube cholecystostomy was
            done in one patient (1.3%). Reason for adopting bailout options are   dIscussIon
            discussed in Table 4. Most common indication was inability to achieve
            CVS. Mean duration of surgery was 48 minutes. Mean duration of   Gallstone disease is a common disease affecting general adult
                                                               population.  LC has evolved as the standard of care treatment
                                                               for management of this disease due to its various advantages. 10–12
                  Table 1:  Indications of cholecystectomy
                                                               Although it is invariably accepted as a safe procedure, complications
                   Indications         No.    Percentage       still happen in approximately 5% of patient.  Of these, BDI remains
                   Chronic cholecystitis  213  55.7%           the most feared and dreadful complication of LC that at times can be
                   Acute cholecystitis    81    18.84%         life-threatening. The etiology is multifactorial, but misidentification
                   Biliary colic         72     21.20%         of anatomy is perhaps the most important factor responsible for
                   Asymptomatic gallstone      13    3.4%      BDI mishap.  Way et al. concluded that primary cause of BDI was
                   disease                                     a visual perceptual illusion in which the surgeon misidentifies
                   Biliary pancreatitis    7     1.83%         common bile duct (CBD) as cystic duct. Erroneous technical skills
                   Gb polyp              4       1.047%        were identified as the primary mechanism of injury in only 3% of
                                                               cases.  To minimize the risk of BDI, SAGES, in 2014, formed the
                   Empyema               3      0.78%
                                                               Safe Cholecystectomy Task Force, with the aim of propagating a
                                                               culture of safety around LC.  Following six steps were described to
            Table 2: SAGES safe cholecystectomy components (tailored to rural   create a culture of safe cholecystectomy and minimize the risk of
            setting)                                           BDI: (a) identification of the cystic duct and artery by using CVS, (b)
            Components                     Numbers   Percentage  awareness of the potential for aberrant anatomy, (c) identification of
            (a) Use of CVS                   256      67.01%   anatomy using IOC or any other relevant method, (d) intraoperative
                                                               time-out or pause during surgery before clipping and dividing the
            (b) Starting dissection from fixed point   242   63.35%  structures in Calot’s triangle for verification of anatomy, (e) early
            (c) Use of intraoperative timeout  382    100%     adaptation of the bailout options, (f) call for help from another
            (d) Availability of a bystander surgeon  382   100%  surgeon whenever required.

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